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hardwood floors - are you glad or sorry?

17 years ago

I know this topic has been discussed before (I've read 'em all). My heart says white oak, my common sense says tile. I am an artist who tends to drip water on the floor when I wash out my screens in kitchen sink or water my plants.

Ms. Neat, I am not. My floor is now almond tile that is dirty five minutes after it has been washed - I HATE it. Getting natural cherry cabs, soapstone counters, but don't know about floor. Have not found a tile that makes me smile - YET. But I do not want to be constantly wiping up and mopping. I do not want engineered floors or tile that looks like wood. We have no little kids, no pets - but then again, there is ME.

What is YOUR experience with maintaining hardwood floors now that you've had them for a year or so? Do 3 coats of oil-based finish make a difference? Would you put hardwood in again?

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