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Stove and fridge too close? Help me gain inches, please.

13 years ago

Trying to decide on best cabinet placement, especially on stove/fridge wall.

We are DIY (very slowly!)and have kitchen stripped to studs at the moment. Below is current layout, but have some questions about best use of space. Any ideas are welcome!

One idea to gain more space between fridge and stove is to reduce the 15" cabinet between stove and corner to a 12" or 9" and add it to the counter between stove and fridge. Is it more important to have additional space between stove and fridge, or better between the stove and corner (and ultimately the sink)? I wanted to have enough space between stove and corner for someone to stand and prep, but then you can't use the counter in the corner on the sink side, so do you gain anything?

The 36" doorway on bottom right is to my living room. Not sure I want the side of my fridge to be first thing I see, so this option allows 5" for a sheet rock wall or I could use only 3" instead to do 2 fridge panels. Below is a picture looking from my LR into my kitchen. (You can see part of my kitchen goodies being stored in my LR.) Also, you can see that the fridge will be the first thing you notice.

This picture shows the view from the kitchen to the LR. The doorway will be moved down leaving only 7" in bottom right corner. And I was only going to leave about 3" (enough for casing)between the fridge and doorway. Fridge in picture is about 6" from doorway, so will be even more visible from LR.

I have been trying to squeeze as much room as I can from the doorway to add to space between stove and fridge, so I could use that extra 3" by eliminating wall and making a 30" counter by fridge. How important is it to add more inches to counter, versus using a barrier between fridge and walkway? And would it look weird to only have a wall on one side of the fridge, and not the other? I really like the boxed in fridges, but am afraid it would take too much of my wall space.

Any input you can give me on these questions, or any other layout input would be more than welcome. I am trying to make the best use of my space and know that inches matter. Thanks for your time and help!


Here is a link that might be useful: Prior layout thread

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