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house flooded on to the rebuild - cabinet maker question

12 years ago

We recently retired and moved to Mississippi and were promptly welcomed to the state by a visit from Hurricane Isaac who invited himself to stay a day or two. We were totally unprepared for the flooding that occurred afterwards with 3 feet of water in our house. 1000 year flood and it happened 2 months after we moved siiighh.

We are just about finished gutting the house from 4 feet down and now have to replace HVAC, electrical, drywall, insulation furniture and flooring yadda yadda.

Here is my dilema - We have to replace the kitchen which right now consists of a sink standing on two saw horses lol. The original cabinets were the old particle board ones that just desintegrated. The house itself is built well and is of sound structure and we like the layout and location of the kitchen. my question is plywood vs mdf. We have been told that mdf if sealed is actually stronger and will last longer than plywood boxes. I am not going to do this again so our thoughts were to get the cabinets and seal the backs and bottoms as best we can so if this does happen again we can mitigate some of the losses. Are there any woodworkers out there that can provide insight on this? Should we go with plywood and seal or mdf and seal? We are probably going to be going with painted cabinets as I like the white look vs the wood.

There are 5 stages of being a flood victim


Frog Rescue



Retail Therapy

We are at the resignation stage and retail therapy consists of trips to wallmart and lowes for cleaning supplies but I'll take it. You know you are a flood victim when you go to wallmart and people look at YOU because you are the one dressed funny.

Thanks in advance for any insight


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