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Paint color, tile, trim to go with bold tile and white cabinets

12 years ago

We have a bold kj patterson tile on our backsplash and really like how it's turned out.

However, the adjacent sink wall is proving to be challenging. Here, we have the same off-white cabinets and countertop:

Here's what I don't like:

Area painted with 'yellow' color (matched the other color in the bold tile)

2) area painted with rich brown color (great contrast, but just too dark for my liking)

Area painted in same blue as rest of room (how it was originally). Note that this is before I patched and cleaned up the bumped out window shelf area, so it would look cleaner now).

I also think there's a problem with the trim work at the top of the window (I think it should be simpler, with straighter lines up top). It stops abruptly about 3" up from the countertop. Plan was to tile the window ledge and the short backsplash behind the sink. What kind, color of tile? I've considered using same CT material (torquay quartz) but really don't want to spend tons on money on this.

Fridge area: we left room for a 36" counter depth fridge.

At some point, I'll replace the fridge, and add paneling on the left side and a cabinet above. In the meantime, what can I do to improve this space?

A few more shots of the general area:

I love this window and the view out of it but I know something is missing/not right/doesn't work with the way it is.

Please help me improve this setting! Many thanks, oldbat2be

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