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Tell me about cork flooring (or other floatable options)

12 years ago

What has prompted our kitchen mini-remodel is the grout that's coming out of our tile floor (hard to keep a kitchen from feeling clean when smushed peas dropped by your 3 year old get stuck between your tiles.)

We're on pier and beam, so we're thinking there wasn't a good subfloor placed down under the tiles to prevent the movement (also, we have an unfinished basement, so maybe the temperature differences are affecting it? Not sure, but again, THE PEAS. Gross.)

I'm researching different flooring right now and think the cost of a floating floor will be equal to (or less) than doing another layer of the subfloor to lay tile down again. I keep going back to cork but all I imagine are those cork squares that make bulletin boards and regularly get chunks taken out of them if a tack comes out wrong - I know that can't be the case because I've seen cork floor owners go on and on about how great it is. Tell me about it. Does it matter where I get it? Any less expensive places? Is there a difference in quality and how do you tell? Can we lay it ourselves?

I'm open to other ideas for flooring. Any laminate wood is out since the rest of the public areas of the house are hickory - I just think that would be a weird contrast. Also, I'm not interested in tile. What other options would I have?

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