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Tell me about your wall mounted faucet!

16 years ago

This is technically a bathroom question but there are so many more active people on the kitchens forum that I'm x-posting it here. I originally had to have a shallow countertop/vanity, which pretty well meant a wall mounted faucet (and I have been influenced by the pic of edlakin's very sharp looking WMF). Now I'm getting a standard 24" deep vanity and cold feet about the faucet. Please tell me if you have one, or are considering one, and what you like and dislike about it: Practical? Easy to clean? Any more splashy than a countertop faucet? Does the sink have to be installed very close to the wall, and is there a standard height above the sink? Is a WMF workable for an ADA type room to be possibly occupied by an 85 year old? Thanks much.

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