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Stain my cabinets light blue? or do White on white on white?

13 years ago

We have been on track towards doing a white on white kitchen. Travertine floors. lots of light. with the living room and dining room with white walls too. Now, I am reconsidering and thinking about going with *staining* the cabinets a light blue/grey, like Minwax's "riverstone". We are in florida on the water so it is somewhat appropriate.

Do any of you have blue stained cabinets (or even painted)? I am afraid that I will have too much white if we do painted white cabinets, white backsplash, and white living and dining room walls (with light floors too). Yet I am a bit afraid of the blue especially since I have hardly ever see it.

What are your thoughts?

Thank you for your help. This is really starting to get stressful..

Here is a link that might be useful: Minwax color chart

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