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Dining Room to Play room - non-kidsy temporary toy storage

12 years ago

Well, we are finally following Magnaverde's Rule # 16. We *rarely* use our Dining room and need a place for our younger boys to play and some additional toy and crafts storage.

The DR set I have had and loved for 15 years is being removed on Wednesday. We want to have a place to set up some toys for Christmas morning.

I will also need to add some toy shelves and clothing storage to the room, while leaving enough room for playing.

I plan to add two small wing chairs to the space in the corners (that you can't see in the pic below) so the adults have somewhere to sit.

this is the room....

For now the room will remain orange. I will remove the drapes and will cut the sheers I have to the window sill so that they dont hang on the floor. I need to add some Toy storage but i would like to add something that would be useful later. I am thinking Ikea - but would welcome any other suggestions. I am not a big fan of the multicolor plastic bucket storage.

A couple of pics I found on line...


Would kids really sit on benches like this? I am thinking not, but they are pretty....


I have some of these for hanging artwork and I would like to put them somewhere in a similar fashion...


I am a bit concerned that these cubbies might be too small..


I have climbers, so I like that all the IKEA items can be anchored to the walls.

I dont know what to do about clothes storage. I currently have two dressers (one is due to be put to the curb) in the living room (which is actually DH's office) and I would like to move the clothes to the playroom.

Any suggestions? Advice for practical usable storage?

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