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You're kidding, right? Incredible sink saga

16 years ago

3 sink purchase attempts and still counting....

My first try was thru Galaxy Tool Supply, where the ticor (which read "c-tech") sink I ordered came with a dent in the rim....one that showed the sink was not all that. The man I spoke with on the phone even said "oh, for an undermount, you should have ordered a higher quality sink." wha? When I ordered the sink in the first place (by phone) the woman told me "nice choice." I had to pay shipping to return the sink, not something that thrilled me when it was a defective product. So, I was done with GTS.

My second try was homecenter.com, where I purchased an Elkay sink. OMG I don't believe those people. I purposely ordered by phone, explaining that I was only interested in buying a sink if it was in stock and would be shipped right away. The guy told me no problem, it will ship tomorrow. a week later and it still hadn't shipped, with numerous phone calls, emails and lies told me (one guy even said, oh yes, it shipped on monday, not true.) Conveniently, nobody could ever provide me with any tracking info...they would say, I'll call you right back with that and not do it. Last call I made to them the girl said it definitely hadn't shipped. I cancelled....she told me i had to cancel by email. i did. I then got an autoresponse that said "Your order isn't cancelled yet.....wait to hear from us...." well, I know it did not ship so there was no excuse for this. it is now 9 days after cancellation and still no freaking word from them.

THEN, ordered a kindred estate single bowl from faucetdepot.com, was so happy because when I asked for a discount, they gave me one! 5 days later, the sink arrives. today! I had tracking info every step of the way. but.....

The rim of the sink (which will be revealed) is defective. Looks like the buffer machine wasn't set right or something....big stripes of rough patches interspersed with a few nice smooth stretches. To their great credit, they will have this sink picked up at no extra charge and are sending me a new one. but man. holy crap. unbelieveable.

God doesn't want me to get a new sink...........

Good thing I didn't schedule a templating appointment...

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