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Window treatment-itis - please help me!!

16 years ago

Our bedroom really needs help. We had to do some extensive drywall repair a few years ago, and the room has been siting there half spackled and with the molding off for 2 years because I can't make up my mind where I want to go from here.

I like our furniture - it's a kind of shaker-styled mishmash - a reproduction black-painted pencil post bed with some antique empire and shaker styled dressers and blanket chests. The floors are hardwood random-width pine. The bedding is a random assortment of quilts and coverlets, all with an antique feel. Overall, I'm going for an antique shaker feel.

My holdup is the window treatments. Right now, we have plantation shutters left behind by the previous owners that are not the right size for the window and half broken. They need to go. But I'm totally confused about what to replace them with. I need something that provides complete privacy. I'd prefer something that blocks the light well on the rare days when we might be able to sleep in, but I don't want anything heavy-looking. I'd also like something I can close from the top down (like a roller shade), since in the summer, we usually put a window fan in the window and I'd like to be able to close off the part of the window above the fan without blocking the fan itself. I don't think long formal drapes would go with the simple farmhouse look I'm after. And roman shades or cellular/honeycomb blinds seem too modern. I think I'd prefer something that mounts interior to the window frame to show off the trim, but I'm open to other ideas.

The only thing I can think of are roller shades. I was thinking of either vinyl ones that I could cover with some kind of valance when they're rolled all the way up (though the only thing I picture when I think valance is a poofy froufrou thing that doesn't go with my shaker-simple vision). Or maybe a nice fabric roller shade, if there is such a thing. I was also thinking that some solid-panel (as opposed to louvered) colonial-style shutters would look good but I'd have the same problem with airflow from the fan in summer. I have some woven wood blinds downstairs and like them, but they don't provide enough privacy for a bedroom at night, plus they might be a bit too modern-looking for the bedroom furniture. I also thought about some billowy cotton sill-length curtains (maybe on a crane rod) but I'm not sure that would provide the light control and privacy I need. Other than that, I'm out of ideas - I'm really really bad with window treatments.

I wanted to pick the window treatments first before picking paint and bedding, and my dh is really getting antsy about fixing the bedroom up (one of our friends is redoing her bedroom for the 2nd time since ours got all ripped up and he's starting to feel like a slacker, LOL!) so I need to get cracking on my decisions. Any advice is most appreicated.

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