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Christmas 2012 Decoratiions - Part 2

12 years ago

We reached our limit on the other thread, so thought I would start a Part 2. I will post a link (below) to the first thread for those that have not read/seen it and I have also repeated my response from the other thread, which happened to be the last post. This in case annz doesn't see my answer to her question.

annz - The spoons are in a simple shadow box from Michael's or from any other craft store. The back and sides are lined with a short napped fuzzy board. The spoons stick on with velcro that I believe came with the frame. Surprisingly, in the 10 years since they have been framed, I have never had to take them out and polish them. However, a few have follen down, like the one on the bottom left.

OK, start posting your decor. And lets not forget our Homemade Gift giving pictures and suggestions for this year. Not sure if we should start a separate thread for that, or post here. Suggestions?

Here is a link that might be useful: Part 1

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