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Completely OT...BBQs and kids on innertubes

15 years ago

OK, the BBQ isn't what's important, but I had to try to link it to kitchens somehow. Maybe this will get a little airtime here before it's shifted to Conversations...

I wanted to put a warning out there for all parents. My daughter came home from a BBQ with friends last night where they'd also been innertubing behind a boat...2 kids on each of 2 innertubes, pulled at the same time. The innertubes collided, my dd went flying and landed, simultaneously slamming her face on the water and hitting a friend's knee with her jaw/chin. She apparently lost consciousness and was face down in the water, and only remembers getting put into the boat, and a weird 'dream' she had while trying to breathe in the water. We found out about this 2 hours after the fact when she drove home and came in with a roaring headache, nausea, and extreme light sensitivity. The visit to the ER confirmed a concussion, but thankfully without any worrisome neurological symptoms, so no need for CT scan or any drastic treatment...Just time and watching her.

Coincidentally, the nurse who checked us in is a dear friend whose daughter got her cheek crushed (requiring reconstructive surgery)in a similar incident earlier this summer. At that time my kids assured me it was because those people were towing 3 innertubes at once, which is widely known to be a 'no-no.' Now I'm thinking 2 is no safer.

The adults present and in charge during both of these incidents did NOT seek medical attention for either girl, did NOT call the parents to let them know what happened, and let the girls drive themselves home. WHAT is WRONG with people?!!

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