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How do you skid proof a wool rug

12 years ago


I have wood floors and I am currently in search of a nice wool rug to give a definition to the area, plus add comfort to our living room where we spend majority of our time.

I almost purchased an outdoor rug for indoor LR, mainly because they are so stain proof, inexpensive, look great plus come with an already attached skid proof backing. (Long story why I did not!). I am also looking at indoor woolen rugs now; and the issue of skid proofing is ever so important to me.

Turns out that woolen indoor rugs do not come with any pre-attached skid proofing. I am reluctant to get a rug pad because of the pain of having to clean it separately. I was wondering if there are any tapes or other methods to "attach" skid proof pad to an indoor rug.

I did some research already and found some strategies; and want to check if anyone has an experience to share:

1. Caulking the underside is a suggested approach. There are all kids of disclaimers like "it may not work as well as a good quality pad" or "do not use this on an expensive rug" etc that makes me a question whether this is a tried-and-tested strategy.
2. Apparently some rug grips are available in big box stores. Any experiences with these?
3. Some folks have kept drawer liners under the rugs and claim that it's worked amazingly. Has anyone tried those?

Any other ideas/suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

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