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Shabby,cottage,farmhouse style

14 years ago

Hello everyone! This is my first post and well... Where do I start? We are in the process of building a farmhouse style home with an attached arena and stalls (any horse people out there?) anyway, our last home was all wood interior 1/4 log walls and very lodge look to it I liked this and it was very comfortable but this time I want to go with a softer pretty look. I really like the shabby chic look but I'm wondering how it will look with stained walls and floors and not painted? I think I'm having trouble putting it all together in my mind.... I know how I want the house to feel but not sure how to accomplish that???

By the way my husband is a builder so this is our fifth home and hopefully our last.

Comments (24)

  • 14 years ago

    Google Lauren Ross....I think you will find her style very inspirational for the look you are trying to pull together :o)

  • 14 years ago

    I think your vision sounds beautiful!
    And, I LOVE horses! So jealous...

  • 14 years ago

    We live in a horse community, but on a lake so no horses. I had them growing up and pet them whenever I can. We have stained floors, doors and trim, but painted walls. Our oldest daughter went to college in San Francisco, furnished her apartment at Shabby Chic and worked for Rachel after graduation. (Bedrooms are in Part II) I have a dedicated SC room too - will post link to house below. So I am so there with you on your style!

    Check out Flea Market Style magazine, only published a few times a year. They have a blog. Heather Bullard, photographer/writer, also has her own blog. Google "rustic chic home" for photos. There's another magazine that used to come out a couple times a year. I'll see if I can find an issue and look it up. May not be published anymore. Hit bookstores and flip pages too.

    I would incorporate as many non-stained pieces as I could - painted tables, chests, sideboards, beds, etc. Upholstered pieces - chairs, sofas, headboards, benches. Textures - wicker, leather, rattan. Anything to play against the stain/wood and add interest. Rugs, rugs and more rugs. Not saying you shouldn't have any wood pieces, but at least a 60/40 mix. 70/30 is even better.

    Can't wait to see what you do. Good luck!

    Here is a link that might be useful: House Tour

  • 14 years ago

    How exciting that you get to decorate a new home! This article highlights a beautiful, rustic home. One of the bedrooms blends in the shabby chic element with the pretty white bed, bedding and nightstand.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Urban Home article

  • 14 years ago

    Thank you all for the great links! I've yet to come across exactly the look I'm going for, but there are things about each look I like. Somedays I wake up feeling sure I know exactly what I want and how to do it and then there are those days I feel I don't have a clue and am confused and overwhelmed, hopefully it's those times I can come here and receive the support I need to follow through with my vision : ) please keep the links coming!

    Right now I'm trying to concentrate on the living room and kitchen, it's completly open so it needs to coordinate. Just to give you an idea of my taste ......think hippy sorta girl moves into 100 year old farmhouse with granny Lol..... Soft pastel rose prints mixed with soft pastel floral stripes, worn cowboy boots, butter churns and weathered wood.....painted furniture...floral rugs....wood counter tops... And old looking linens. I couldgo on and on but hope this held portray my taste.

  • 14 years ago

    Sounds like the farmhouse in the movie, Baby Boom. Is this close, at all?

    Scroll down to the bottom, where it shows the living room, in the farmhouse. I love the kichen, too :)

    Here is a link that might be useful: Baby Boom Farmhouse

  • 14 years ago

    I forgot to add that if this isn't the look, check out the other movie interiors on the website. She has a bunch!

  • 14 years ago

    Yes, that is closer to my plan only I hope mine is prettier : ) LOL My husband will be making the kitchen cabinets and I want them to not be uniform, but look like they were added in stages. We'll paint most of them an antique cream but have given thought to painting one a different color (thoughts on this?) I also love the idea of the material on the cabinet doors but, I was thinking of going with a shelf of fabric covered baskets instead? We'll also have a work table in the kitchen and I'm thinking the top stained wood but the legs I'll paint.

  • 14 years ago

    I think we were separated at birth. (I have nothing involving taste remotely like my sister!) I have three paint colors and one stain in our kitchen. Also three different counter materials.

    Here is a link that might be useful: my kitchen

  • 14 years ago

    That's so funny, because I love the movie, but always thought the living room wasn't as pretty as it should be! LOL

    I like an unfitted kitchen that looks like it's been put together, over time. There were some threads on the Old House forum and Smaller Homes forum (I believe) about this look. I have been thinking of a work table in the kitchen, myself. While everyone says island are better (on the kitchen forum) after considering it, I still like the work table.

    What color are you thinking of adding to the cream? I love blue, but any color will look good.

    Oh, and I have six horses, who all think they're dogs, rather than least that's what our friends say! :)

  • 14 years ago

    Allison- You have a beautiful kitchen...and I LOVE that hutch, by the fridge :)

  • 14 years ago

    The type of kitchen you describe is called an "unfitted kitchen" so you might google that to find pics. Often one section is painted a different color. One wants it to look as it the cabinets are a collection of old buffets and hutches.

    Reclaimed wide plank wood floors would be nice if you can find a source.

    Architectural salvage businesses might also be a good source for unique items.

    Some sites I have bookmarked where you might find inspiration:

    Country Living magazine:

    Rustic Chic:

    This blog is pic heavy in perhaps your style:

    Linens that might work with this style:

    For pics of lots of different cottages go to the link below.

    Here is a link that might be useful: cottage of the month

  • 14 years ago

    Allison- LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your kitchen!! I like the openness about it, no upper cabinets to close it in and the different pieces look great together. My kitchen is nowhere near that large but yes, similar ideas. I do have a question, why did you choose a white sink over copper? Only asking because I'm trying to decide myself...I know I want an apron/farmhouse sink but can't decide which look I like most. Honestly I think the single bowls look more authentic, but am sure I would regret that decision. We may have very well been born sisters as that would explain so many things in my life HA! I have no siblings and my parents idea of decorating is deer heads w/baseball caps and beanie babies (NO, I am not making this up!) Oh, and by the way, I have never seen chicken wire lookin' so good as on your hutch. I want to add a wire basket full of faux eggs : )

    I'm not sure what color I'll do with the cabinets, depending on how "cream" we go I might do a butter cream yellow or deep rose? I'll have to post a picture of the sofa I like.

    Lavender Lass- we have Paso Fino horses and oh yeah, they are spoiled. One even gives kisses!

    We are going with 8" boards for our walls and floors, 4" on the ceilings, all of which I am staining w/a brush!!!! I have 7 pallets I'm working on right now.

    Thanks again for all the links.......going to check them out now.

  • 14 years ago

    Thank you, lavender_lass. I took the cabinetry maker's basic hutch and made changes (double plate rack, copper covered dowels and chicken wire doors).

    farmchic, I had actually ordered an undermount copper sink (exactly like I had put in our last kitchen), but DH really like the V&B fireclay the cabinetmaker would ship from England (with the cabinets), so I went with it in the kitchen and put the copper in our laundry room. I was originally going to have copper counters in the laundry room but since we did the sink in there I did granite (same as in the kitchen).

    I never wanted a copper farmhouse sink. The copper sink I had in last house and in laundry room (here) is a large, very deep single bowl. Loved it in our last kitchen and at first I did miss it, but it didn't take long to appreciate the V&B sink (which is divided, not single).

    LOL - just read what you wrote about your parents and their decorating ideas. Sounds like they were my sister's parents. No joke!

    Thanks. I went over the chicken wire with left over glaze (from stained cabinets, brown based) to knock off the sheen. It's also used in the black hutch/coffee station (between kitchen and laundry room) on the two small doors hinge up.

    Paso Fino - Have you ever heard of Oak Island Farms in Alabama?

    Here is a link that might be useful: laundry towards bottom

  • 14 years ago

    I've never had a copper sink but just ordered one for the arena bathroom that has a rope trim. I thought it would go good with the horse head faucet I'm using in there. Must be my parents coming out in me, but I just love that cheesy faucet lol Its not something I would want in the house but works for the barn area.

    I don't know the owners of Oak Island Farm but have looked at their website and it's beautiful!

  • 14 years ago

    It can be yours! That house and their main house closer to town (and much larger), as well as their horses are for sale.

    Here is a link that might be useful: oak island farms

  • 14 years ago

    LOL, I would be happy to live in their training barn.

  • 14 years ago

    Ummm Allison, I'm not half way finished with your house tour and well....I think blood work may be in order LOL. We sure have similar taste, it's just yours is more professional and mine is more thrown together without a clue ha ha. Ok, I love to hang my kids baby clothes on the walls, I have the outfits my husband and I wore home from the hospital and used them to bring my own son and daughter home in and after seeing the framed dresses on the bedroom wall I can't believe I didn't think of doing that!!! Great idea! Also, I have always loved plates on the wall no matter what room but have never really bought many, last Saturday I went to an antique store and came home with several to use in the kitchen. The pillows on the white sofa, now THAT is what I'm talking about : ) add some creamy yellow and a tad of blue and that is what I want my living room, kitchen and dining to look like : ) And WOW what a tasteful way to display the antlers now if I could only talk my husband into cutting the antlers off of that elk....thankfully he has his own office to put that sort of thing in. My son is going with a hunting/fishing theme in his room and I'm glad it will give me a use for all the lodge type things we had in our last house. Also, loved the little lamb and had to laugh when you said "it makes me smile" I don't know how many times my husband has said "why did you buy that" and it's because it makes me smile. Well, gotta go finish that tour.

  • 14 years ago

    Thanks! You made me smile! The dresses are in DD1's guest room (call it that since it has her old bedroom furniture) but she prefers the Shabby Chic room when she visits us from CA. They were hanging in DD2's room, last house. DD2 still lives in town, but bought her own place 5 years ago, recently traded up. DS had said "no dead animals" in his room ("dog" room) but antlers have found their way in. He lives in Chicago and doesn't visit too often, so I did what I wanted and he hasn't complained. lol

    I feel in love with Black Forest antlers when in Europe 10 years ago, but didn't buy any. Found those locally 4 years ago - about the time they started showing up in magazines.

    My favorite antlers are the ones with the head bone covered with suede or leather. The one in back hallway (not sure if it shows) is light, dirty, faded blue and has the metal tags. A local dealer goes to England twice a year to buy and I find a lot of things in her booth. Would love to shop in her house.

    DH doesn't hunt, but I skinned a rattlesnake and it's in the lower level den on the wall. (Not in photos, and hence DS saying "no dead animals.")

    The lamb is in the breakfast room and I'm on the computer at the table - glancing at it many times a day, and it always makes me smile. Glad you are enjoying the tour.

    btw, I have also framed a vintage evening bag that was my grandmothers and a handmade lace bride. Also in the dress room. You can frame anything, and they are unique.

  • 14 years ago

    Very pretty, thank you for sharing. I had thought of doing something more casual in my laundry room with my childrens baby hang several denim items on a clothesline against a wall? I don't know, that's as far as I got LOl.

    I have a question, we have states metal dishes, they look like peweter but are not : ) I have a old looking china cabinet that DH made for me and display the dishes there, but we also use those dishes everyday. I really like them and want to continue using them but don't know if they really fit in with what I'm doing. Thoughts?? I pretty much have to put the plates in the plate racks but could put the other pieces in a different spot and add something pretty to the shelves. Any ideas?

  • 14 years ago

    Without seeing your things, I don't know exactly what you are talking about, but the metal dishes I visualize them going. Of course, you may be ready for a change.

    Are these shelves plate racks or flat? Do you have a collection of something you want to display - ironstone, blue and white, copper, pewter or more metal pieces to group, not necessarily to use daily? Mix in a second collection (chickens, roosters, floral dishes, color glassware, majolica. If the shelves are deep enough, add wicker containers or books to soften.

    Without knowing what you already have or what you like to collect, I could go on all day.

  • 14 years ago

    I still like the dishes, just didn't know if they fit or not. There is one long plate rack (similar to your brown hutch only the plate rack goes all the way across) and then two deep shelves above. Now that I think about it, I have quite a few of these metal pieces, platters and a tea service that I am going to have to just mix in. I don't really have anything I collect...I do have a lot of old kitchen type things, rolling pins, milk bottles, hand mixers. I picked up a couple of tea pots the other day and wouldn't mind adding a few more : )

    Allison, even the outside of our houses have similar features, we have a cupola (one on the house and three on the arena) and a widows peak on the front gable and one off each end of the arena and we are going to use a little cedar shake shingles in each but DH wants to add fake doors and an old hay pully to each.

  • 14 years ago

    Maybe we're long lost cousins. ;D I explained to the framers three times what the end of the stone garage (barn) was suppose to look like. They still got it wrong and it's a sticking point with me. One day, it will be done correctly. When we did away with the upstairs (room over garage, and a bedroom and bathroom) I didn't think about removing window. Dumb me. Have been planning on having doors made for that (to look like hay loft) when I ever get around to having shutters made.

    How far along are you, expectant finish date?

  • 14 years ago

    Well, we've hit a lot of unexpected road blocks along the way but things seem to finally be falling into place. It's framed in and the roof is on. They have done the rough in plumbing, heating and cooling is as far along as it can be at this point and this week hubby is working on electric. It will all just depend on how much time he gets to spend here. I'm going to guess 3 months and that's just the house part. We'll have to go back and finish stalls and details in the barn area.