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How do I get a real Christmas tree smell with an artificial tree?

16 years ago

We finally broke down last year and bought a fake tree, never thought IÂd do it, but after burning up a vacuum (husband did it), spending time on hands and knees with gloves picking up needles, etc. . . . last year was enough. I could write a Saturday Night Live skit about our adventure last year, which resulted in the fully decorated tree lying on its side in the middle of the living room (no pets or small children involved!). This was only after I convinced my husband that the saw he inherited from my grandfather really was not sharp enough to cut through butter, let alone the tree trunk. Luckily we only lost a few delicate ornaments.

I really missed the smell of the tree filling the house and want to know the best recommendation for a balsam fir air freshener. I would prefer an air freshener over a candle. I know there are a lot of great candles out there, but want to avoid candles and dealing with wax, trimming wicks, soot etc. Last year I thought I could buy a "Glade plug-in", but could not find a balsam fir fragrance anywhere.

Anyone have any experience or recommendations?

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