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Should I add an edge detail to my modified Shaker door?

10 years ago

So if one were to choose a modified Shaker door that fit a transitional decor (maybe leaning a bit closer to traditional) would you choose a door with an out door edge detail or would you keep the outer edge plain? I have poured through many different beautiful kitchens here on GW using painted white cabinets or stained cabinets (we will have both) and don't see too many outer edge door details (although maybe they are not showing up in the photos?) Yet, the plain rounded edges with no routed edges do seem a bit plain in real life to me.

Also, would you consider a door that had slightly different sized rails vs the stiles? Scherr's, where we are ordering the cabinets from, has a door that has a taller rail vs stile? The rail is 3 inches and the stile is 2 3/8th inch. There other shakerish option we are considering from Scherr's has a consistent rail/stile size which is 2 3/8th inch (it does seem narrow to me)?

I don't know how to upload pictures from the Scherr's website but the doors we are considering are door style number 100 and 101 I have linked Scherr's website below. However, here is a similar door from HD that does have a slight edge detail and a slight bump in the inner edge (don't know the term). It is Shakerish. What do you think?

Thank you in advance for any style tips you can provide that will allow me to get this last cabinet decision off my list.


Here is a link that might be useful: Scherr's website showing actual doors

This post was edited by OntarioMom on Sun, Jul 6, 14 at 12:35

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