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How many Seagull linear lights per 38-inch cabs?

14 years ago

I think I'm getting the 10W Xenon linear lights from Seagull (track lights, they're also called I think?).

I understand we have a choice of the "spot light" look vs. the more even look of lighting. I'm having a hard time determining which way I prefer. I'll probably want low-light (there will be a dimmer) most of the time but that's not to say I'll never want task lighting. My cabinets are 38" wide (well, one is 38" and the other set of cabinets on the other side of the sink is 38 1/2" wide).

Any opinions on how apart they should be, with all this in mind, or which type of look (spot light or even) is more attractive, subjective as it is?

Whether the Xenon Seagull lights or other kinds, do you have a pic you could share that shows the spot light look?

Thanks very much!

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