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"small appliances" on open shelving in pantry

11 years ago

I am very much looking forward to using a newly created walk-in pantry which is part of our kitchen remodel. One of my biggest frustration in old kitchen was storing all of those bulky "small appliances", bread-maker, juicer, Vitamix, mixer, crockpot, yogurt maker, dehydrater, waffle maker, etc. Packed in the cabinets they were so much bother to get out that I dreaded using them. My plan is to have an appliance shelf in this new walk-in pantry. I pictured letting the bread-maker or crockpot do its own thing in the pantry. I pictured having all those bulky "small appliances" on a pantry shelf so they'll be easy to access ( as opposed to digging them out of a cabinet in the kitchen.) Anybody do this?

I am needing creative thoughts and feedback on this whole idea. The guys are getting ready to build those pantry shelves, since everything in my kitchen is packed away I don't have access to measure them. Is there a guide of the average size of those "small appliances"? Anyone got any thoughts on the depth, do you think 16" wide shelf would accommodate them ? Where might you locate the shelf within the pantry?

We're finally getting closer to getting Kitchen remodel completed! When I finally have a reveal to show you all, I'll feel experienced enough to offer my input . Until then I sure do love having you all to run to with all my questions... Thanks.

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