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Glass mosaics backsplash on its way out of style, yes or no?

16 years ago

That's what the guy at Tile Outlet on Fullerton (in Chicago) told me today. The thing is, I've had my heart set on glass mosaic backsplash. I just can't get into anything else. I'll be posting a poll later with my final results (among them are slate, glass mosaic and marble).

So what do you think? Is it risky to put a glass mosaic in my place? I've seen tons of signs for new condos around Chicago and many have glass mosaics. I guess I've succumbed to picking "kitchen number 6," but let's face it, our potential buyers will probably be a typical couple who likes what is "in style."

We live in a city condo and are quickly outgrowing it. We would like to sell in the next 1.5 years. So the final question is, am I being too risque by putting glass mosaic up?

I can post pics of it later. It is a mix of browns/tans/whites, light browns.


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