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Low Voltage UC Lighting System Questions

16 years ago

I will be posting this also on the lighting forum but feel I will get higher volume responses here so please bear with me.

I have 4 old fluorescent UC fixtures in the kitchen... each one has their own wall switch and is hard wired on a 120V system. I want to switch to newer UC lighting, either Xenon or Halogen but am not impressed by the heat generated in the full size strip light fixtures. I am leaning toward the low voltage linear lighting and have been looking at Kichler and Seagull but unsure about what switching to low voltage will mean in terms of my existing light switches.

Do I understand correctly that the required transformer will be connected to my 120V system but its output is reduced to 12V to the linear system? Does this mean I cannot use my current 120V wall switches to turn the UC lights off/on or convert to a dimmer switch at the existing wall switch?

If I want a dimmer on the UC lights will I need to run wire and install a special dimmer wall switch designed for low voltage systems? Are there any linear UC lighting systems that are NOT low voltage and run off standard 120V?

Sorry for all the questions but I am really interested in finding a good quality UC lighting system that meets the following requirements:

1. Good even lighting coverage of UC area.... not the "spotlight" effect of Puck lights.

2. Ability to provide bright task lighting when needed but also can be dimmed to mood lighting.

3. Warmer color light in the 2400-3000k range...no cold blue lights.

3. Would like to control several UC areas by one dimmer wall switch...so need a system that can span between cabinet zones.

If this is not possible, can I still use the 4 wall switches I now have but just upgrade to dimmer units? I am unclear on what is involved in converting the current 120V Off/On wall switch to a low voltage dimmer. Since I am replacing existing UC fixtures was hoping not to do major rewiring.

I would love to hear from any Kichler or Seagull UC lighting owners. I'm a noob when it comes to electrical so forgive if my questions seem a little dense.

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