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WWYD? I'm ready to cry. Quartz counter trouble.

11 years ago

Long story short... I ordered Zodiaq Crema Botticino counters and now that my kitchen is well underway and we have been waiting for the slabs to come, we are now told that they are not making that color now and only have 2 cm slabs in stock. It has something to do with the slabs being produced in Italy and now they are shutting down that plant and will be producing it in Canada in the near future. I could just scream! Per the GC, my choices are: get the 2 cm or wait till the end of June and hope they produce that color again (mind you, we have no kitchen right now) or change colors completely.

Luckily we haven't bought the sink or BS tiles yet (whew) or we would really be up a creek. I'm now looking at the Caesarstone London Gray and Frosty Carina or Dreamy Marfil, but I'm afraid they might be a lot more money. Samples and prices are on the way. I will have to change paint colors which have already been selected, and which was a major PITA to choose. I'm also looking at Okite's Marfil and Botticino colors.

So... what would you do? Our cabinets are a dark cherry color, floors are a neutral color porcelain tile. We are going for a transitional style and want a contrast, but not stark white. We are on a time crunch now and this will delay the whole works. All suggestions (and pity) are welcome!

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