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Need help from gel stain pros...

13 years ago

I was considering staining my kitchen cabinets with gel stain, but I decided I would try a smaller project first to get the hang of it.

I have a small mission oak occasional table/magazine rack that is looking a bit beat up. I cleaned it, and roughed up the surface with sandpaper, as has been suggested. I applied the gel stain with a brush, let it sit for a few minutes, and wiped the excess off with a cloth.

It was a disaster. The stain was very uneven, and still a bit tacky after 24 hours. I tried a second coat on the patchy parts, and there were areas that the stain did not stay on the wood at all. I ended up just sanding the table (by hand) to get all the stain off. I still have to give it another pass, but I got 90% of it off.

What did I do wrong? I am guessing that the stain reacted with the residual finish on the table, and that resulted in the tackiness. Should I strip the table to make sure all of the original polyurethane is gone before I try again? I wish I never started this project, but I am determined to finish it now.

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