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Oh, I'm just squealing and a peein....

16 years ago

no, not about my granite. That went in last week and I REALLY love it, but I am over the moon today about something else. You TKO people may enjoy reading this...or maybe those of you who have lost your parents.

I got an induction cooktop for my kitchen remodel. Haven't used it yet, but I was beginning to second guess my choice when I thought of all the pots/pans I could not use on it. This remodel is for a lake home we purchased last September...our final address.....the place the funeral home people will have to wheel us out of. It is an old house built in 1952 that started out as a fishing cottage. Nothing was in too bad a condition except the kitchen. I dooooooo like the look of my new cooktop. Yeah, I know, some of you are saying, "why the heck didn't she get a gas stove with a vintage look?" Wasn't gonna work for ME. Anyway, I was really sad to think of not being able to use the cookware that I have now that formerly belonged to my parents. I lost my beloved 92 year old father (I called him "DD") November of 2006...my mom died in 1980. I've had the cookware since my dad died thinking it would be great in an old place. BTW, my DD loved to cook and was great at it. I know (thought??) I did the magnet test on one of these pans awhile back and was so sad to see that it was not induction compatible. Today, I was digging in some boxes, found one of the pans and thought I would try it again to make sure. THE MAGNET STUCK LIKE GLUE! I squealed and almost had to change undies! I checked several other pots and pans and almost all of them will work. I'm so happy! I am an only child with no children of my own, so it wasn't like I could pass any of the pans on to someone else. I know my parents have had this cookware since the very early 70's. On the back of the pots it reads, "Pluramelt Flavorseal by Cory-Zirconium Stainless Steel." I know nothing else about it other then it is still in excellent condition. Please, no one post that it is a known carcinogen.....after all, my dad lived to 92 cooking with it!!!

I look forward to honoring my parents and using this cookware albeit in a much more modern way on my 2008 induction cooktop. Thanks you TKOers for reading my rather lengthy post here. I'll end it now by saying, "I love and miss you DD and can't wait to cook up some of your favorite baby lima beans, fried okra, and pepper bacon in your old and now my NEW beloved cookware."

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