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OT - Worthwhile Pet Stories - or the three B's

16 years ago

The first story of the three B's.

Our giant yellow cat adopted us. He used to live next door and they kept him as an outdoor cat. One day I heard him meow in the perennial border while I was weeding. I called him, "Here Kitty, Kitty", and he came out from under a shrub very slowly as if I might shoo him away. I noticed he was real skinny and scared, so I brought a plate of food out to him. He stayed around in our yard for the next three weeks or so as an outdoor cat and we fed him because he was so skinny.

After a while we wanted to name him a name that started with a B (because our other two cats names start with a B), but couldn't think of a good name. More time went by, he gained weight and his coat got shiny, and he was still here. If he didn't see me in the garden, he would meow with a very loud and long, sorrowful meow till I called him, "Here Kitty, Kitty", and he would run up to me. I think he was afraid I was going to leave him.

One day we saw our neighbors outside (we rarely saw them as they were always gone) and we asked them if they knew anyone who had lost a cat. They said, "Well we haven't seen our cat in a while, but he is a free spirit and goes wherever he wants". We didn't even know they had a cat. We said "Well he has been over here", and they said, "Is he bothering you?", and we said "Ohhhh Nooooo - he's not bothering us !". By this time we just loved him - and we were scared to death we would have to give him back. When we were all departing we said, "By the way what is his name?" They said "His name is Butter". When they said his name - I knew he was meant to be our cat.

Our neighbor's told us Butter was mauled by dogs when he was younger living at their brother's house and they took him to their house to live. Butter shivers in fear if he sees a dog even a chihuahua even though he is much bigger than a chihuahua. Our neighbor's have 4 dogs. So that's why we think he came over to our property. They have since said as long he is happy that is all they care about. That's how Butter adopted us.

We bring Butter in at night, since we live in the country we don't want an owl or coyote to get him. I call him little because he's sweet - but he is a gentle giant - probably 18 pounds and all muscle. He follows me around in the yard like a dog and is a wonderful cat. He gave up his sorrowful meows after a few months, but when DH and I are in the yard now, he just appears no matter where we are outside (we have three acres so it can be a long distance away at any time). Thank heaven for small favors. (This is a true story and is copywrited by springvillegardens along with the photo below of Butter in the garden).

If anyone has any special pet stories, how about sharing? I'll tell my other two B stories later on down.


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