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Settling for something that's OK and will work vs. always looking

14 years ago

I frequently find myself swimming upstream when trying to find "just the right" thing -- this week, the object has been a new tablecloth. I have a glass-topped dining table that I frequently use my laptop on when I'm working from home, and with winter coming working on the glass can get cold!

So I looked on eBay, other websites, Target, Tuesday Morning, Marshalls, Home Goods... The tablecloths were just so "everyday"--and even tho tablecloths aren't really something for a more contemporary decor IMHO (I have used runners, more contemporary, I think), I kept looking for something that couldn't really be found at those places. I did see a Marimekko design, and those are contemporary, but I wasn't wowed by it (it was also discounted, at the Crate & Barrel outlet, but still..).

Tonight I just felt tired of running all around and found something on eBay. Not exactly contemporary--it's a paisley design, but I just wanted to end this search.

Other times, I just keep looking, looking, looking. This tablecloth search could have followed that pattern of just not buying anything until I could find the "right" one. Whenever that would be.

So: What's your limit on how long you will look for something? When do you throw the towel in and settle for what's "just" OK?

All the time I spent in stores, I just wished I was home reading and relaxing with the dog!

(The next thing on my list: Some batik-print cotton quilting fabric to make covers for my sofa throw pillows. Nothing in the one store that I thought would have it, but thank goodness I can do this search on the Internet, with puppy napping next to me!)

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