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does black stone in fpl and kitchen limit upholstery colors in LR

17 years ago

i am clueless when it comes to design principles. this is the problem. we have a 7' tall, 3' wide, soapstone fireplace/heater standing between the kitchen and living room. it's a medium gray color, very modern looking. here's a picture:

there's a 2' opening on each side of it, so you can see from one room to the other. it's caused a few decorating difficulties. (we just put it in 5 years ago.) for one thing, we already have an 18th centuryish fieldstone fireplace in the room, tho it's not functional. they clash in style and in terms of what to use as a focus in the LR. so i decided to resurface the fireplace in soapstone. at least this way, they don't clash stylistically.

but i'm also contemplating installing soapstone countertops and white cabinets in the kitchen. Question: i like black and white in kitchens, but do you think it's kind of limiting in terms of the tone it sets? would the soapstone in the kitchen and fireplace preclude using old english floral- type colors in the furniture?

thanks for any help!

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