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kitchen cum dining cum living/sitting area

13 years ago

Hi All,

We are moving into this house and since I dont have much sense of decoration have questions for you experts.

Here is the picture of that combo area that I talked about in the subject line..


As you can see the kitchen is white with black granite:

1. Is it ok if I go with wooden dining set or it has to be something in black and white?

2. Curtains: For this area I'm looking for panels that aren't solid/formal/heavy; something more light/casual/contemporary. Which places/sites would be ideal..dont want too Pricey.

3. What kind of furniture would look good in this area. There is some space(not a whole lot) beyond as well... though couldn't capture in the picture.

4. Is the color yellow ok on the walls or should I repaint it white?

waiting for your suggestions....

Thanks a million........

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