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Paint colors; faded green blue grey?

11 years ago

We have decided to keep our LR wood dark (a few more shots below). I really want to try some blues on the wall above it.

We are going there in about 10 days and we will bring painted cardboard samples to try out.

Here are some I am thinking of based on google searches, please add any ideas of similar colors?

FnB Borrowed Light
SW Rainwashed
BM Glass Slipper or Gossamer Blue, Palladian Blue

Here are more LR shots and a shot of the adjoining DR, where I think id continue the color.

The LR shot youve seen 10 times already, and two more views:


(french doors are to a screened porch off the back of the house, with garden views)

Here's a great shot of the Chinese Restuarant light that Annie likes so much, : )

Slightly diff view of the DR, showing the bow window where I want a window seat. It adjoins, but has a pocket door ... I think I will continue the color here.


Comments (48)

  • 11 years ago

    I love Glass slipper. I have it on the ceiling in my sons bedroom. I think it would compliment the dark wood without making the room too dark. My son's room has a nautical feel to it with pale sea mist on the walls and glass slipper on the ceiling, I think it would be lovely in a waterfront home.

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    i need a gray that is gray!! not blue, purple or green :(


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    Adding black to white will give you gray. This is different than mixing colors trying to get black or gray. Ask your paint store guy. But if you feel too timid to try this then check out the rooms in the link below. When you click on the photo it will tell you the brand and name of the paint they used. Keep in mind that putting a tiny bit of color sample against the gold wall will affect the way you view it. Try putting the gray paint in the middle of a large white board leaving white edges and then placing the board in different spots around the room to see how you like it with different light hitting it. Here is a link that might be useful: Gray Rooms
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    Many thanks @Karolina De Costa and @Judy Graham! In our home, the Wedgewood Gray starts off blue in the morning and then goes blue green as the room gets more light. @Karolina De Costa, I actually did a small sample of Ewing Blue, but I was worried it might be a bit bright? In the family room, the sample I did looks similar (though brighter) than the Gray Cashmere we have in the MBR, which looks like a pale green-blue or blue-green color in the light in that room. I was going to switch out what's in the master and put Gray Cashmere in the main living areas, but it looks a lot grayer in the family room than it does in the master, on the sample at least. For whatever reason, everything in this pic looks a lot grayer than it does IRL - BM Ewing Blue looks brighter in person. Left to right, top row: BM Ocean Air, BM Ewing Blue, BM Gray Cashmere Left to right, bottom row: 50% SW Sea Salt, 50% SW Rainwashed, SW Sea Salt Left to right: BM Ewing Blue, BM Ocean Air, 50% SW Rainwashed
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  • 11 years ago

    What a beautiful room~a smart choice NOT to paint the gorgeous authentic wood. The use of a bluish-grey-green is spot on without being too formal, and not looking like the typical beachy theme so overused in beach homes. What a gorgeous home! Congratulations you lucky duck! ;o)

  • 11 years ago

    Take a look at SW Sea Salt. It is on a gray strip but looks like blue on the wall. I love it!

  • 11 years ago

    I have Palladian blue in my exercise room and its got a lot of green in it...I'd go bluer and softer...

  • 11 years ago

    Maybe mt Rainer gray?

  • 11 years ago

    I love SW north star, a light blue greyish color without green thougth, paired with dark wood. Here is a pic from houzz with the combo.

    [Traditional Bedroom[(https://www.houzz.com/photos/traditional-bedroom-ideas-phbr1-bp~t_715~s_2107) by Los Gatos Interior Designers & Decorators A.L. Interiors

  • 11 years ago

    I also love the sw sea salt.

  • 11 years ago

    We have some Ben. Moore Tranquility here. It reads more green than blue in the room, but it's a blue, I believe. It might read that way because we used Mythic paint, but the Ben. Moore formula. Even though I'm no fan of green or gray, I think this is a really pretty color.

  • 11 years ago

    I don't have any suggestions, and I do think the colors you have in mind will look great.

    Are you planning to keep any of the furniture or other things? I find it charming the way it is. I know you will improve it and make it wonderful and personal. I also like the kind of understated and not trying too hard way it is put together now!

    It's so nice of you to share your new house with us! It's really beautiful.

  • 11 years ago

    Healing Aloe is one of my favorites. Or Quiet Moments, a big darker. I have both in our beach house.

    I believe Gray Wisp is the BM equivalent of RH Silver Sage.

  • 11 years ago

    My mom has a beach house painted Silver Sage and it is the PERFECT color for a house on the ocean. What is right about it is the color saturation: it is washed out looking. It goes perfectly with the bleached out colors of the beach.

    Also, it changes color beautifully in different lights. Sometimes it's very green, sometimes, very grey, sometimes a little bit blue.

    I had a dining room painted Palladian Blue. It is a pretty color, but a little too saturated for me. I have an old house, so I wanted it to look like it was once Palladian Blue, but had faded over the last 50 years:)

  • 11 years ago

    I also love Mt Rainer Grey .. but my money is on SW Oyster Bay. My friend just took my sample and tried it in her paneled LR and absolutely fell in love. I love it because it is a beachy blue-green-gray that isnt *too* precious .. think foggy ocean morning blue rather than seaside cabana blue.

    Absolutely lovely space.. can't wait to watch it come to life with your touch!

  • 11 years ago

    On the same strip as SW Rainwashed, maybe Quietude or Halcyon green (darker)

    Or maybe BM Wythe Blue?

    I found the Wythe is more blue/green/grey vs. the SW colors which are more green/blue/grey if that makes any sense.

  • 11 years ago

    Borrowed Light is a soft and beautiful color..... You might also look at BM Lookout Point which is a little more on the blue gray side but that has that nice changeable quality I think you are looking for.

  • 11 years ago

    I was so sad, that my favorite paint store (which makes wee little samples) was closed for labor day today. Hrrmph.

    Thank you, Marinagal, GSciencechick, Funkyart, Rosylady, SueB-who-is-"talking"-to-me-after-all, Lynxe, Kitchentime, Roarah, Annie, Bertz, Polly, and LazyDaisyNot, for your helpful color suggestions!

    Funky, thank you, and I apologize in advance for overposting, which I will.

    Rosy, funny what you say about BM Palladian Blue. In our CT house, I wanted a colorwash for our beadboard cabinet backs. It is Palladian Blue, in a color wash over BM Halo, probably pretty close to Palladian after 50 years! I really like it, so I thought id look "up and down the card" as it were, for a less saturated version. This is one of the few shots I have, and you can barely see the blue:

    NancyBee, "not trying too hard" is my favorite look! But the room is so dark as is, I think we will have to change a lot. We did buy it with the furnishings, though.

    Thank you, Patty, we are very excited about the house.

  • 11 years ago

    Palladian blue exercise room

  • 11 years ago

    Annie, wow, that's Palladian Blue? I have seen it twice IRL in two different rooms, and it seemed so much more saturated than it does in your space. I'm sure the lighting has something to do with it, but I've always thought of PB as "too much" until now.

    Lookout Point...I have it in the hallway in our beach house, and on the ceiling of our porch, and to my eye it has no gray or green -- just a clear, pale blue. I actually don't even like it that much but eh, it's just a hallway. I wish I had used Healing Aloe instead.

  • 11 years ago

    It seems to be more saturated IRL....it looks faded in the pics for some reason...it was a bright sunny day...

  • 11 years ago

    Another vote for SW Sea Salt. It's so pretty and so fresh IRL.

  • 11 years ago

    I chose Paladian Blue because I expected it to look like yours Annie. It is much, much more saturated, dark, and blue in our room! I was so sad. I love it in your house!

  • 11 years ago

    I am looking at the same colors for my dining room. SW Quietude is a beautiful blue green. My daughter used in in her daughter's nursery. It's not a typical nursery color. Not too bright as BM Wythe. It has more grey in it. Also, look at BM Imperial Grey (more blue in it than the Quietude). I saw it used at a Country Curtains store. They had the name written down because so many people asked about it. I was told by a interior decorator online at Houzz to try BM Grey Horse for a coastal color. It's one of her favorite colors. It isn't grey, but a greyed blue green. She also told me to try BM Misted Green. My personal favorite is Ellen Kennon's H2Ahh. It's a full spectrum paint and I believe it was made to replicate RH Silver Sage. It is so soothing. I have it in a guest bedroom. A really beautiful color. Not too light, not too deep and the perfect amount of grey in it. Perhaps it's because it's a full spectrum paint that sets it apart. My friend has Ellen Kennon's Lichen Green in open floorplan at her beach home. It's a beautiful, greyed green. You can get actual painted large swatches at her website. All the colors that people are telling you are beautiful. You can't go wrong. I must have 12 sample jars and they are so similar that my husband thinks I am crazy.

  • 11 years ago

    Thanks, Cam.

    LOL, Scanmike. I've told this story before, but when we were painting porch ceilings on our CT house, I tried 15 blues to get the right shade of "Haint Blue". In the end I went with the first one we tried, which was called ... Martha Stewart's "Porch Ceiling Blue". I think I just wanted to think I didn't need HER telling me what color I should choose. LOL

    Thanks for the H2Ahh suggestion!

    And despite my story about color names, the one thing I have learned, is not to track the colors by name, but by number. We are too easily influenced. I wanted a green that was faded and murky and kind of gray for the window trim in our CT dining room. DH found BM Hampshire Grey, but I got really hung up on the name,since I wanted "green". Glad I finally gave in.

    I think Palimpsest has a similar story about a client who insisted she wanted her cabinets in a finish called Merlot, even thought without the name she did not like the color at all!

  • 11 years ago

    Was just looking at the rooms again to see what the undertones of the wood are - and noticed the paintings. Do those come with the house too? There are some great blues and greys in the paintings....

  • 11 years ago

    Your space is just lovely. We chose Brittany Blue for our Master Bedroom, soon to be painted. It's right in between Glass Slipper and Santorini Blue, two very popular blues from BM.
    Good luck!

  • 11 years ago

    Thank you, Southern

    MarinaGal, yes, they do. I really did not look at them closely. We were probably at the house less than thirty minutes, between weekly renters.

  • 11 years ago

    This is sooo exciting. Please keep us posted as to which color you select--- this seems to be a very popular and timely color hunt and a lot of us are really interested. :)
    I second sea salt but I'm really curious about the BM match to RH Silver Sage. Is that true that the match is Gray Whisp???

  • 11 years ago

    I would look at MS colors, as much as I hate it, as there have been many times recently when BM just doesn't have what I want, but Martha did. My BR was with PIttsburgh which not only was a decent paint, the only one with the exact shade I wanted, plus it was about 25% cheaper than BM.

  • 11 years ago

    What about BM Beach Glass? It's one shade lighter than Mount Saint Ann, which is what I used in my bathroom and kitchen (likely too dark for you, but it's really not dark at all to me).

  • 11 years ago

    Thanks Kevin, I will add it to the list.

    I already ordered some paints from RH, and Ellen Kennon, and DH is picking up some FnB for me. Later today I am going to a SW dealer to look at all the SW colors people have suggested, and then over to the BM dealer to look at those suggested colors, and will get sample pots of the ones i like best from each.

    I decided, for this exercise, to get each color from the original mfr, in order to best test the subtle differences.

    Then I will paint cardboard placards with each, and test them at different times of day when we go to the house weekend after this.

    Then I will submit a dissertation on blue green grays. : )

  • 11 years ago

    So, our local Farrow and Ball is near my son's school, and DH dropped him off, so I asked him to pick up 3 colors.

    He came home with FOUR-TEEN. different . FarrowandBall .paint . color . samples.

    I think the saleslady was probably cute.

    I cut him back to four. With the ones I ordered from RH, Kennon, BM and SW, we are up to 19 shades of greyish-blue-green.

    My 10yo DD says we should just mix them altogether!

  • 11 years ago

    I wish there was a "like" button for your last post. 14 color selection. How sweet, he aims to please.

  • 11 years ago

    I live on the Gulf Coast, so the light is very different. However, Sea Salt is almost a baby blue in my house. From my north facing windows and low light living room to my east/west light and small bathroom.

    I'm trying BM Vapor Trails tomorrow. It's a gray/green. Apparently, any kind of blue tint in my light turns garish.

    If you see that in your samples, I suggest cutting any kind of blue undertone.

    Oh, and I'm living my house lives vicariously through you! You have a wonderful sense of style and your homes are always a favorite.

  • 11 years ago

    Sounds like you have enough colors to sample, but I love, love, love BM gray wisp.

  • 11 years ago

    Yeah, he is a great guy. He is a lawyer by training and an ice hockey player by avocation, but darned if he doesn't listen to me prattle on about decor so much that he actually thinks we SHOULD try 14 FnB shades to get just the right one. I've converted him.

    PPS7, I didn't get Gray Wisp, i did get Silver Sage which they say is very much the same. I remember your kitchen, just lovely. Where did you get the rug? Is it Madeline Weinrib?

    Alex, What a sweet thing to say. Made my day.

  • 11 years ago

    No suggestions here - you have plenty to work with already and to my great disappointment I do not have an eye for paint colors. however I'm great with Persian rugs and cars.

    So if you find yourself becoming stressed while trying to decide which of the 14 blue-grey-sage paints is the best you can always take a short break and watch Myrna Loy describe her color scheme.

    Maire - and to answer your question on a different post - yes it is Maire, It's an irish Gaelic form of Mary but there should be an accent mark on the a.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Mrs. Blandings

  • 11 years ago

    How lovely! I was never sure, but I hoped it was a name, it is so pretty. How do you pronounce it? Mary? Or Mare? It's a lot easier either way then a Celtic friend of mine named Niamh, which IIRC was pronounced "Neeve".
    Off to watch Myrna Loy now.

  • 11 years ago

    14 samples -LOL.. My DH did the same when he picked up samples of FnB from the San Francisco retailer - he picked up many more samples than I asked for after calling me to complain about the cost of samples.. Including terre D'egypt and babouche!

    Anyways, I used Theresa's green in our master with the dark undercoat as recommended by FnB and it is a light greenish, grayish, bluish color.. Changes in the ligh through the day. I used Pale Powder for the ceiling.

  • 11 years ago

    At least you have choices. After a prolonged discussion about sage greens for our bedroom DH went to the store to bring home paint samples. I had suggested we try 3 or 4 on the walls and live with them for a few days to see how they looked in our light. He returned with 2 gallons of mixed paint and started painting while I was running errands.

    And his choice was perfect - he has an artistic eye that I don't have. After all these years I've learned to trust his vision and save myself hours of agonizing indecision.

    ........Traditionally in Ireland Maire would be pronounced Moy-ra and written with the accent mark on the 'a'. Here in the States it's usually pronounced Mary and Maura or Moira is now often given when the traditional pronunciation is desired.

  • 11 years ago

    I mix my own colors so I'll stay out of that conversation. I can't wait to see what you choose.

    That video clip was priceless.

  • 11 years ago

    Just wondering what you chose?

  • 11 years ago

    I have a powder room in Mount saint anne. doing a master now--gray tile with dark brown stained vanity. blue/green glass tile accent. I wanted green/aqua. sAmpled SEa Salt and Misty (both SW)...neither worked. Went with BM Silver Gray...definately a blue gray with a bit of green. Less saturated than Mount Saint Anne....Nice color with my dark wood and gray tones!!

  • 11 years ago


    Well, it's just a preliminary choice at this point. We were in the home last weekend for the inspection, but both realtors were there and I thought if I hauled out 24 paint cards, they'd think I was crazy. Which I am but it's none of their business.

    At this juncture we are leaning toward FnB's Teresa's Green. Here are shots of it in my BR at my CT house, and then in the DR and LR of the beachhouse.




    PS, I haven't looked at this for a few days, and now that i do I am thinking ... hmm, is that too dark? CRAZY

    Here is a link that might be useful: OMG - mine doesn't look this dark at all.

  • 11 years ago

    I don't understand ... not only does the swatch in your room look completely different, but the on line swatch looks completely different from the on line sample room. The swatch looks so much greener!

  • 11 years ago

    Yes, Annie, all of those statements are true! On the FnB site, the Teresa's Green page shows the color two ways, and they look very different.

    To me, the first photo of the three I posted, the one in my CT MBR, is the truest. The color is relatively pale and it has a fair amount of green in it (very close the the fabric background). In the Maine house, it looked very very light and rather grey to me, yet photographed almost baby blue.

    It's enough to send a girl back to the whites.

    PS I just noticed, in all the photos, the fabric background and the paint look pretty much the same color. So, it is, in fact, all about the light.

    This post was edited by mtnrdredux on Mon, Sep 23, 13 at 9:01

  • 11 years ago

    Mtnrd- I saw this house in House Beautiful and some of its woodwork reminded me of the one that you have an offer on. They went a little overboard with Moroccan theme, imo, but I really like the blue and white with the wood. If you kept some of your wood as is and painted some, for example the pic of the entrance hall in the HB house the wainscoting is painted but not the door or stair trim, and kept the walls neutral then you could add blues back in with fabric, tile, etc.

    Here is a link that might be useful: HB Lake Michigan house

  • 11 years ago


    Not sure if you saw post on your other thread.. I took a photo of our MB with Theresa's Green and pale powder. The tricky thing with Theresa's green was the undercoat recommended by FnB - they recommend the dark undercoat which was really dark. I even called their Toronto office and talked to the main paint guy here who convinced me to give it a try.. It really seems to add a dimension to how the color feels.. Kind of like a darker petticoat under a silk gown. Every day, I catch myself looking at the color because it is such a changeling. Our bedroom faces east and I also have a couple of skylights on the ceiling.

    The dark wood is panel on the wall. Theresa's green is on the wall to the right. The ceiling and the wall to the left are pale powder.

  • 11 years ago

    Thank you, GWLolo, that is in fact very,very helpful. The color you show is pretty true to the way I perceive the color IRL. I will make sure my painter knows about the "petticoat". : )

    Thanks so much for thinking of me, AtHome. I have been trying to find rooms with panelling like ours, and certainly have found none in coastal or beach homes. Even just googling for a room, like anywhere at all, I have failed to find many images. The link is lovely.