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I'm having a hard time with chairs (?) in sons 1st home (pics)

13 years ago

HEEELLLPPP MEEE! My baby just bought his first place Finally! It's a starter but has nice sf for a starter at just under 1600 living and just under 1900 total, 3/2.5 townhouse. He's only twenty but has been saving since high school. He has always wanted realestate. My husband and I will be around 70% of the labor source and 100% of the furnishings source. The good thing is that he can afford the low mortgage on his own but will rent out two rooms (one to his brother) so he will be living there nearly free. There is money set aside for improvements. However, every since I found that steal of a sofa and rug on CL I'm having a heck of a time sorting out the style or color for chairs for the living room sofa & rug. I say chairs because I think the sofa and two chair would look best in the open to dining room plan. I have looked at millions of chair styles and don't know if I'm really stuck on two matching chairs or???? Too small a space for a chair mix? What chair would look best near that 8x8 rug and not compete? Son is open as long as there is black somewhere.He does not like teal though but does like red, orange and yellow, hoping for interesting as well as something he wil not out grow...he is a 32year old man in a twenting year old body and has mature tastes. I want his first place to flow. I'm afaid of getting an off white chair that doesn't match the off white beigy sofa. Black just looks so stark? I have thirty days to pull this off. Seems I can't to anything like a nice used dining table or TV credenza or anything untill I fiqure out the stinking chairs. Remember me from the kitchen stool drama??? I'm alway stuck on stinking seating. Here is the link of house because as I have yapped enough. The living room could be 17/18 X 19 depending on how far I go into open dining room. Also, see those floor tiles? Think I can get away with gray painted walls?


Here is a link that might be useful: baby dills first pad

Comments (67)

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Off track...if you all don't think this would look good I'm keeping it. Going to pick these tables up now, two tables onyx top with solid brass legs for a song. The sofa is beige with yellow undertones. What do you think of the tables on the rug with that sofa? I like it but want to know if you think it hidious for son (cus I want them if you do).

    http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af170/jterrilynn/4d8bbec8-1.jpg"; target="_blank">

    http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af170/jterrilynn/b7267bed-1.jpg"; target="_blank">

    http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af170/jterrilynn/2eabc6cf.jpg"; target="_blank">

    http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af170/jterrilynn/7580b729.jpg"; target="_blank">

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    OK--you've actually got a bit of a decorating style going...and it should play well with 8 foot ceilings. Those tables (from what I can see in the photos) have a MCM "Regency" look to them. You should be able to find secondhand chairs AND a credenza that will play well together. As to the credenza...be certain to look at six drawer low dressers as well as true credenzas. They make GREAT flat-screen stands. Here's my high-end version (it's a Henredon from 1959):

    If I weren't using it for clothing storage I could hide all sorts of video games and such in the drawers. ;^) You can find lower-end makers for under $200 at thrift shops around here.

    Sarah Richardson did a college guy's (or was it a young woman's?) apartment and used a lot of MCM furniture...and it looked great AND it was comfy. I wish I could remember which season and show...I THINK it was Design Inc. If I get some time later I'll try to find it for you.

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  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Can't help on the decorating part, but want to comment on the 20 year old. I was going to ask what did you do to raise such a moneywise son, then I read the part "a mean little ole man stuck in a baby body". Can't help but laughing out loud!

    You did a terrific job as a parent, congratulations!

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    FOUND IT! Season 2, "Mike's Living Room" Unfortunately, the pictures on this page don't give you a really good look at it...but you might get the idea. Linked below. Plus...maybe you can find the episode on Hulu or Youtube and watch it. Design Inc, season 2, "Mike's Living Room."

    Here is a link that might be useful: Mike's Living Room

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Ikea's upholstered pieces are moderately sturdy. I wouldn't use them in a frat house where people are jumping on them or flinging themselves into them, but they will hold up to normal use. It's probably worth take a trip to Ikea to have your son sit in them to see if he finds them comfortable. While you are there, you can check out their tables and media centers as a back-up option if you can't find the second-hand pieces you love.

    FWIW, I don't love the coffee table pictured. It seems too fussy for the sleek and graphic look that I think you are trying to achieve.

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Sorry, I have to agree with forhgtv on the small tables. With the black & gray you have going the tables appear too yellow........but maybe it's the photos. I pictured something in wood, chrome or even a large black ottoman.

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    The MCM credenzas do look great as flatscreen TV stands. My mother-in-law has a ton of original MCM stuff and I am dying for her to give me some... she's got her (giant) flatscreen on a credenza with sliding doors. It's the only "solid" and "chunky" piece of furniture that I think works really well as a TV stand. (We have a 50" and I don't like the look of most stands made for the purpose, and another "solid chunky" piece of furniture like a chest of drawers just doesn't look right to me. Usually I'd want something that is less chunky - like a console table - to balance the black hole of the TV. But a sleek MCM credenza works well even if the rest of the furniture is in another style. Maybe it's because although it does have a solid and imposing profile, it is up on sleek little legs.)

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I agree with annz and forhgtv on the tables. If the tops weren't so yellowish, I'd suggest spray painting the legs pewter, to make it work better. But at least based on the online pix, it doesn't look like a gray/black toned base would match the yellowish gold top.

    The ikea chair looks perfect.

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    The tables just don't work for me at all. They are too fussy and the tops are too yellow for the clean, contemporary, mature 20-something place that I think you are trying to create.

    I think if the marble were different, the suggestion by robin to paint the base in a pewter or chrome tone, or even black, would help. But the marble is wrong.

    Just a thought - if you got them for a song, what about replacing the marble with some thick beveled glass tops? Then you might have something that would fit.

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Wow, I must say I am amazed that your 20-year-old DS is at this point purchasing his first home. Congrats to him and to you!! My DS is 18, just getting ready to go off to college and we've been shopping for dorm room stuff. He's in a suite so they do have a common room. Discussions with roommates so far have mostly centered on whose bringing the TV! For your DS' situation I would probably focus on making a comfortable gathering spot for him and his roommates. Knowing the personalities and interests of his roommates would definitely factor into the types of chairs I would be considering. Do they like to lounge around, watch TV, eat snacks, drink beer/soda, play video games or are they more serious? Do they need a place for group study sessions? I'd definitely have your DS sit in some of the chairs to make sure the scale and comfort are right for guys. A lot of guys that age (and even 32-year-old men) like to lounge around on the floor or kick back in an easy chair. I think a couple of used recliners would be a good choice, then again, your DS doesn't sound like your average 20-year-old. As for the tables, I agree they are too yellow for what you have so far. I'd stick to the cooler colors. Since most likely the room will evolve based on his taste, budget and roommates, I wouldn't stress too much over the paint instead consider something in the greige family like BM Revere Pewter.

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I think the tables will work. Usually guys have only black, white, gray, chrome, glass.....it's so predictable and a bore. The yellow in the tables will give it some life. Maybe some gray and yellow pillows would tie it together.

    Judging from my experience with my son-in-law, regular bed pillows are great size for the couch and floor. Cheap at Target. I make the covers so I can use my choice of fabric.

    When you're looking for a credenza for tv, also check "buffet" and "mid century" on Craigslist. I've seen some steals.

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thank you everyone! All replies welcome! Well we have to find a way to work with the cocktail tables because my son loves them. I have to admit they are a beautiful work of art, the onyx is just delicious and the legs really are solid brass just like the man said. I'm wondering if they might be worth some bucks because they have numbers and it also says Muller's onix on the bottoms. The big one weighs over 200lbs. The elderly couple I bought them from had some fabulous authentic MCM furniture in perfect condition at give away prices. I just missed the dining set with an oh so cool credenza.

    Mjsee, love your TV set-up and thanks for the link! I have been looking for a few weeks for your ideas on what to use as a sort of credenza/desk TV stand. So far I haven't had much luck because apparently others are seeking the same thing. However, at the time I really didn't have a good handle on the "look" I needed. Thank you for the visual and giving me an idea of the style thats evolving.

    Below you will see what I have so far, just the sofa, rug and two tables (ignore the rest of my game room stuff). I'm going to have to get sneaky about finding the rest as husband thinks I'm on a wild spending frenzy with my total at $535.00 so far. Sheeeze! I did find a can of "opps" HD Behr premium plus ultra paint & primer all in one in a dark charcoal so I'm prepared for bargain bin revamp stuff.

    I'm not really worried about frat parties with my sons (for real) but do like it that most of the items are lower maintenance because they can be very messy at times.

    So, now that we have to work with the tables would you change the latest chair ideas? At this point I'm probably going to have to build chairs with ole squeaky butt complaining lol (I do love him though). Please do help me decide if I post some decrepit CL or garage sale chairs that could somehow work. I am going to keep the back-up plan though because you never know.
    Oh and all the colors in that little colors sample are accent colors son wants. However, he will have to be a bit open on that because it's all down to the deal with CL or garage sales. I will buy new lamps at homegoods though.

    http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af170/jterrilynn/875197b9.jpg"; target="_blank">

    http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af170/jterrilynn/a928ca78.jpg"; target="_blank">

    http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af170/jterrilynn/530418e3-1-1-1.jpg"; target="_blank">

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Makes me ill that you missed the dining set. sigh. I'd say those tables are high quality...you might want to do some research before you hand them to the college crowd. ;^)

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I'd definitely revisit the chairs if he wants those tables. I'd look for chairs in warm colors---probably brown or rust (instead of the smoke gray/black colors). The other accent colors can be brought in with solid & patterned accent pillows (ideally something that also has the gray in it to try to keep the rug from clashing with the other items).

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi robin, yes that carpet could be a problem if not for the black piping all around the leather sofa (it's hard to see in the picture). I think I can make it work due to the black piping and will post a better picture soon.

    Mjsee, I know I'm crazy putting those tables in a 20 yr olds home but he really loves them. I have decided to make him pay for half (which he's happy to do). This way he will hopefully feel some ownership and take care of them. If he didn't work so hard at everything I wouldn't be trying so hard to make it all extra nice. I want him to get used to nice things. But crazy I am because I could probably sell them, put money in my pocket and furnish the whole down stairs.

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Kudos to your son!! Good for him and good for you for all of your dedication and help.
    Love the couch and tables together. Could that gray/black rug go in another room, maybe?
    Fingers crossed for you that you can find a great deal on chairs very soon!

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    The ole rug, there has to be a way to make this work. Here are some pictures of the black leather piping around the light beigy/yellow sofa, the table top and the rug that has black leather trim. The table top in picture looks like it has a greenish tone, its a shaddow and does not in real life, its mostly light and warm creams w/other. I'm thinking the small details of black leather trim could tie it all in if I find the right chairs???
    http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af170/jterrilynn/44252966.jpg"; target="_blank">

    http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af170/jterrilynn/875197b9-1-1.jpg"; target="_blank">

    http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af170/jterrilynn/f2ac533b.jpg"; target="_blank">

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Seeing the tables and sofa together changed my mind on theme working together, though is there any way you can post larger pictures please?
    Knowing you budget would help too, but these chairs at "O" would be great with the sofa, tables and colors he likes. It's only a hundred and twenty dollars.

    Or if he'd prefer chairs with arms at one hundred sixty nine dollars in faux leather...

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi justgo, I like the first chair you posted. Think I'll pop over to "O" and have another look because my budget is in the used or cheap new category. What I really like about that chair is the subtle strip; the colors in the strip, the sort of vintage vibe and how it will allow me do some accents in those colors around the room. I also love the price. What I don't like about it is something I have no control of as the chairs I have in my head have some cool lines and are not in my price range. After buying the tables I realize all the previous chairs will not be great so this one is on the list if CL or garage sales don't come through. Thank ya thank ya!
    Sorry I can't get a bigger better picture unless you are asking for an enlargement of one of the above? Everything is crammed into my game room.

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Late to the party, but I would consider what julie said about young men sprawling, watching sports, hanging out, etc. I think a lot of the chairs you showed would be fine for a married couple or single woman, but not for single guys-way too delicate/feminine. I would definitely involve your son in the selection of his chairs because it is, after all, his place and should reflect him and his choices. Since he likes black, I like the two black leather chairs near the beginning of the thread (one has an Art Deco look which is terrific). I also think the last one (sort of a caramel leather) would work since you bought that table with the creams and browns. Has he expressed any preference?

    Congrats to your son. Being a homeowner in one's twenties is quite an accomplishment. Our son did the same and has created a terrific space for himself.

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Cyn and Julie, check this out! I love this idea for sprawling. Look at the cushions on the floor around the coffee table, looks like dog cushions. After I get these darn chairs fiqured out I'm hitting Costco and other places where I have seen some cool cheap dog beds/cushions.
    http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af170/jterrilynn/48d8df1d-1.jpg"; target="_blank">

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    See my post above this one!

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Do you have any comfortable chairs in your home that would be appropriate for a boy's home that you would be happy to get rid of and buy new for yourself? My grandson is 20 and has an apartment at college with 2 friends. My DIL just gave him 2 large upholstered club chairs she was dying to get out of her family room and I donated the 15 yr old sofa from our tv room. DIL bought a ready-made khaki slipcover for it at Target. All 3 pieces are in good condition, comfortabe and perfect for 3 young guys. And both she and I are happy happy happy.

    At 20 both your son and my grandson have many years ahead of them for new furniture and interior decorating. Boys will be slouching on the furniture, eating while watching tv, having lots of friends over- I wouldn't worry about the perfect chairs for now. Take him out with you to used furniture places and let him decide what's comfortable. Is he concerned about style and decor?

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi Patty, thank you for your post. When I asked my son if he was concerned with style and decor his reply was Yes who wouldn't be? (after he looked at me like I was crazy for asking). Then I tested him and said what is more important to you, syle or comfort? His reply... 60/40!
    I guess we are not your conventional family but I am working hard on the comfort part. I tend to think outside the box. To me one could buy a whole new cheap lowest price Ikea set-up with a sofa, two chairs, a rug, a cheap dining table w/chairs, and cheap coffee tables for around around $1000. Because Ikea is trendy the profit in it as used is about 1/2 the price in my area. I can get other types of quality furniture used for about 1/4 or much less of that price as the housing crisis in my area has made this possible.
    So far I have spent a total of $535 on a $3,000 to $4,000 sofa, a $950 area rug and I spent $325 on two 60's onyx/brass cocktail tables that have a worth of somewhere between $1,500 and $5,500 depending on what site you look on.
    So, to me it makes more sense to spend the time getting nice looking used quality pieces that will last for several years. If I'm careful I could pull all the above off ( quality sofa, cocktail tables, rug, two chairs and a dining set for around $1,000 to $1,200 (not including accessories). You wouldn't believe the decent dining tables/chairs I have seen on CL for $50 to $300. So, as long as I'm not spending "more" but end up with with 9 or 10 grand rooms he will be proud of...well, I don't think he should be penalized due to his age...thats the goal and it makes sense to me.
    The only problem I can foresee in the plan is the darn comforable chairs as something that will work in his room is harder to come by used : )

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    If your goal is quality used than I'd relax and keep a good watch on CL or local thrift stores. You may not have them in time for the closing on his home, but you'll be happier in the long run. I wish you the best of luck finding something that fits your budget and that your son will love.
    You might want to try the tip given in an old Garden Web thread.....

    Here is a link that might be useful: Awesome CL Tip

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hey justgota, Thank you so much for sharing that tip! Cool used chairs are going to be tricky, not many styles around here on CL that would work (thats why I need a back-up plan). I'll keep plugging away though. You all have helped me get an idea of what will work which sent me on an educational run through google images and other sites to inspire and learn by.
    If only this CL chair that just popped up was in a different color because it's 25 bucks. It's not my ideal shape but I'm getting closer.

    I'm not keen on this color though.

    http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af170/jterrilynn/ebc826a7.jpg"; target="_blank">{{gwi:1801894}}

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I actually like the red. I think it might play with the black/grey thing you've got going...

    Hey--CL is going to be your best bet...but Grandin Road is having a furniture sale with free shipping. MIGHT be somehting there that would work. (I'm digging the storage ottomans.) I've never purchased from them but I've heard good things about their quality. (Others, feel free to set me straight if I'm wrong!)

    Here is a link that might be useful: Free shipping on GR sale!

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Another thing you might think about if you find chairs in a color that won't work is that a smooth fabric can be painted. I know there's threads on here somewhere about doing this, but I can't find them now and need to get busy.

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi, I have been looking at chairs that may have a pattern as well and where I can emit one color with fabric paint. I have had good results with that in the past and really like Jacquard Textile for the paint, you really can not tell it's painted by either touch or looks. Solid color on a large surface is a bit trickier and timely with textile paint as I found it best to build the color through light layers so I prefer not to get into a full solid FP job or a making of my own design (but would do my own design if chair were special). If only I could find the right used chair's with the right lines that is not beat to hell! There's a good chance I will have to buy at least one cheapy new chair from "O". I hate the thought of that because as soon as I do "the dream chairs" will be everywhere at every moving sale, every garage sale and everyday on CL. I'm getting sick of looking but do not want to buy a dining set until the chair and style is sorted out. I have lots of choices with used dining sets,it's just the stinking comfortable chair holding me up. At lest one of the two needed chairs must be TV watching worthy but with style, a style that will go with sofa. Grrrr, where the heck are they???

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi all, hope some of you look at this chair and give me some feedback. First, I'm sick to death of looking at used chairs. If I find lines I like either the scale is off or the fabric is crap or the color is wrong.
    My son likes wingbacks and I didn't think it would work for the style or the scale until I found this one. The room isn't large and I sorta think this chair will give an artsy feel instead of a traditional feel...what say you?
    Also, would anyone have had experience with an online shop called Hayneedle? They have some really great prices & free ship.
    Sorry the picture is not great and does not show the leather quilting on backrest section (love the texture on black leather). See link below for detail. The chair is 37.5 tall (sofa is 38 tall), it's also good on width for a small room at 28.3 and it's 29.3 D. The reviews were great on comfort and looks.
    So what do you think? Do you think it could look sorta artsy instead of traditional?

    http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af170/jterrilynn/867ec13b.jpg"; target="_blank">

    Here is a link that might be useful: Wing chair

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Not a fan. The legs look skimpy compared to the body of the chair, and the pointy wings look strange. Also doesn't seem like a comfy seat for a twenty-something watching football and eating pizza or playing Wii.

    Why not let the search go for a bit, and let your son do some looking around in person, checking Craigslist and garage sales, etc. Everything doesn't have to be done right away, and rushing to buy something generally means you end up with something other than what you really want.

    Another thing you could check is hotel furniture outlets. We have one in Chicago called Fort Pitt Furniture. They buy hotel furniture (from some very high end hotels) and resell it both wholesale and to the public for amazing prices. Now, it is used furniture, and some of it is probably not in perfect shape, but worth consideration.

    But if he really wants wing chairs, then he can concentrate his search on that. The room is already very eclectic, so a perfect size shouldn't be an issue. Also, as a temporary cover for a wrong fabric, Surefit sells wing chair slipcovers.

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thank you Les, good advice! I do think I need to give it a rest. I have been in too much a rush as in my mind I kept thinking that the chairs would determine the look of the TV stand and the dining table so I didn't want to purchase them before the chairs. I'm no expert (obviously) but with what I have so far I sort of thought I could lean towards one of two styles in an eclectic way. Since the chairs seem to be the biggest problem that's why I wanted that part finished and the fact that I have to paint some canvas's in a style/color to blend it all. I have lots of good quality used choices in the dining and other picks in my area. I do need to stop thinking of stinking chairs for a few days though! Son has no time to shop (I show him everything before buying for his yes or no) as he is working full time and going to college. In his spare time he is juggling his harem or eating pizza over the sink lol. He wants to be a bit of a show-off on his decor. I'm sure there will be lots of movie watching though, his older brother/future room mate is also working and going to school and is a big movie buff.

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Congrats to your son on being a homeowner! My 2 youngest sons bought at a young age also - 20 and 21. They are 24 and 25 now, one is now married. I was so excited for them when they bought homes that I wanted to go in and not only decorate, but completely redo the kitchen! I had to respect that it was their homes and not overstep my boundaries. The youngest is now married, and so if I learned anything, its that no matter what I did to "help" them decorate will be completely wiped out when a wife comes into the picture. With the one that is still single, he doesn't care what I do if I want to pay for it haha! but he doesn't see the need to spend his cash on things like art or the "perfect" chair. And therefore, if its not important to him, I know I'd just be wasting my time because sooner or later he'll have a girlfriend or wife that will want to completely undo everything I did! :)

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi mountain, congrats to you too on your fine young men. Funny you should mention a new kitchen; son is desperate to get that old kitchen out. I think its fine for now and just needs the nasty plastic tray ceiling thing taken down and a bulkhead built above cabinets to hide the plumbing. I think he's starting to listen about steps to take first like having the popcorn ceiling removed downstairs, the tray plastic ceiling in kitchen and perhaps thinking about putting a chunk of his remodel money into removing the very badly chipped up ceramic tile throughout the down stairs. A new kitchen would look hideous surrounded by all the other ugly. Sometimes I have to rein him back a bit. Maybe when he gets a serious girlfriend she can handle the kitchen remodel, I will gladly backup for some "me" time. If the future gal wants to change everything I'll know she's the right one because a meek person in the family would have a low survival rate lol.

    P.S could not help myself and looked at chairs even though I meant to rest my brain for renewal , saw some very cool wingbacks with great lines and straight legs on ebay. Of course like most of the chairs we love they were out of the price range :(

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I would think something like this chair would work better with the sofa.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Chair

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    We found a chair! It is not exactly the lines I wanted but my son likes it and he's dishing out the dough for this one. We are most certainly in full blown eclectic something or another now with much loved (by both of us) DRAMA. The owner of the highback said it's an EJ Victor design (???), the price is a little over an Ikea pong chair so he's practically giving it away. So, we are going to put up some bold modern artwork, cool accessories and black mixed with his colors for pillows. Still don't have the other chair yet but not to worried as it can't be that big, maybe something I can paint black or (?) and re-upholster just a seat. Then on to my next obsession of a used dining set that has a 48" round top for space.

    Feel free to chime in on a style of dining chair looks for this crazy mix that's going on or a buffet style.
    Hope you all don't think this all is going to look hideous!

    http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af170/jterrilynn/ada49f82.jpg"; target="_blank">

    http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af170/jterrilynn/42491cef.jpg"; target="_blank">

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I can still talk son out of the chair above if you think it will look stupid in an eclectic sort of kind of manly Hollywood Regency look. In the picture below you will see the accent colors he likes so imagine a big modern picture above the sofa that has the yellows, mustards, grays, blacks and orangey reds to counter the largeness of the highback pictured above. Then imagine a faux bamboo chair painted in a black or vibrant high gloss other color and try an think about some charcoal and other color pillows. Do you think the mix will look intentional or just plain ridiculous?

    Pleasssssssseeeeeeee I'm not a decorator and need some reassurance!!! I still have time to mind change.
    p.s items other than sofa & table in the sofa shot are not part of new space.

    http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af170/jterrilynn/875197b9-2.jpg"; target="_blank">

    http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af170/jterrilynn/530418e3-1-1-1-1.jpg"; target="_blank">

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hollywood Regency is not how I would consider where you are headed at all. But if HE is happy with everything, isn't that what matters? Unless his goal is to create something that some home magazine wants to feature, I say let him work with what he likes. As all have said, he is only 20, and this will change, probably several times, and certainly when a significant other gets in the picture.

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Ditto Les. The most important thing is he likes it. It's not a show house it's your son's home. No matter how you decorate any home it will never satisfy everyone. Even designer homes can't do that. Relax and enjoy the process. It'll all come together in the end.

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Oh thank you both for responding! I was stuck between husband thinking son did not need a chair at all because he had a sofa and me in the middle arguing that HE wants the chair...not me or you. Everyone is stressed that this property is going to fall through at the last minute and having weird disagreements.
    However, if everyone thought it really ugly I would have maybe mentioned we could keep looking.

    Les, are we in any style family right now?

    The chair color is a pale lighter creamier dijon, the darker shades in the tables surrounding the onyx parts is a darker dijon, the stone itself is a mix of lighter and darker sofa colors. I'll try and bring this all together through color. Its hard to tell the real colors in the picture.

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hollywood Regency would work well with those tables you already have. If he likes it and the chair is comfy...

    It's your son's first home/apartment, neh? I think part of learning about one's style is living with an assortment of mis-matched furniture as young person. Heck--for YEARS I claimed my decorating style was "Family cast-off,Salvation Army Steals, with touches of Auction House and a soupcon of Early rising Estate Sales." Actually--throw in Ebay and it STILL is...I've purchased exactly four pieces of furniture new in our 28 years of marriage. Our master bed and our two Hill Country Woodworks chairs and the ottoman that goes with one of them.


  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I think it's great to help your son, but if he is old enough to own his own home then it might be time to cut the cord and let him be responsible for furniture decisions (with your financial help if you wish) and all that comes with home maintenance and repair issues. It's all part of growing up and even making mistakes will be a learning experience for him. You're stressing so much over this and it isn't your problem to do any more than advise if he asks. So he's busy with school and work, I understand that. If it takes him a year to get his furniture so be it. If it's mismatched in the beginning and not all color coordinated he'll survive. If he's a typical boy when he has no place to sit when friends come over he'll find the time to get some chairs. It doesn't have to be a showplace the day he moves in; again he's only 20! Did any of us have the perfect home at that age? You are going to have a nervous breakdown over HIS place. Sorry if this is tough love. I have 3 sons and a 20 yr old grandson and know they are fully capable of doing their own thing if we just let them.

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Holy Moley this is a big a$$ chair!

    Hi mjsee and thanks for responding. I feel a bit calmer today, forgot how stressful buying real estate is and its not even mine. When the kids were young we moved about every two years after DIY remodeling fixer-uppers in our goal to reach a nicer neighborhood with good schools. We achieved that and have been here for over ten yrs, funny over time you forget all the stress involved. Like you I'm a big used furniture seeker and have been most of my life. Of course if I was loaded with money and already had a big retirement fund in place I would decorate much differently and have so many more choices. However, I would always mix some used. If one doesn't have the big bucks the "new" stuff is made of crap, more so now than ever before.

    Hey Patti, thanks for your input as I do appreciate you trying to help. It's not tough love I need though; I get like this over doing anything creative and become obsessed until a vision comes to mind. I sort of drive everyone crazy and need a sounding board to balance me out. Son and I completely redecorated his room twice in the last eight years, forget his age, he's into this stuff. You should see how I get when I have a visual of a painting to paint lol.

    To the relief of you all I'm sure... I'm starting to see something in my head. Son wants black drapes so I'm going with some colors like below (not exactly though). He does not like bright teal but does like a lighter mottled muted teal. Just need something a bit more youthful in there like a bright painted orangey/coral bamboo chair and cool art.

    http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af170/jterrilynn/4a4ebc63.jpg"; target="_blank">

    http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af170/jterrilynn/c0e792b8.jpg"; target="_blank">

    http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af170/jterrilynn/4b106f64-1.jpg"; target="_blank">{{gwi:1801910}}
    http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af170/jterrilynn/48ca1471.jpg"; target="_blank">

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I'm loving the EJ Victor chair! It looks like it could be from the Carol Hicks Bolton line.....I adore her stuff. She has many oversized chairs that I would kill for.

    I've spent tons of energy on my daughter and son-in-law's houses, so I know what you're going through. Low budget so it's diy, Craigslist, sewing, painting.., They needed the help because of grad school, high pressure jobs and traveling, and then a new baby. I'm now working on their second house.

    I can see they learned a lot along the way and also that a nice place has made a positive difference in their daily lives. It's something I enjoy and am good at. I've never regretted one minute I've spent to help them create a happy and comfortable home. I get pretty focused on the projects and sometimes it drives me a little nuts, but I love it.

    I'm really enjoying watching your posts and seeing your progress! Vicarious thrills.

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I'm glad that you found a chair that he really likes. I think it works with the tables, and the sofa is pretty neutral so go for it! The rug still strikes me as dissonant, but you seem to be trying to bring in some black with accessories/textiles to relate it more to the other items.

    When I was 21, my mom spent a chunk of the summer hunting yard sales & discount stores to get furniture for my law school apartment. I really appreciated it, and actually just got rid of the kitchen table last year (I'm 37!!). I have been into decorating since I was a child, and my mom periodically helps when I'm hunting for something; if she lived nearby, I'd probably take her with me when I shop for things. That's a longwinded way of saying that I'm sure your son is really grateful for the work you've put in, and he's lucky that you're interested enough to do the legwork.

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi banana and robin, thank you so much for the words of encouragement I really needed it. I was a little upset about a previous suggestion that I sort of dump my kid off in the big world and let him fend for himself, that's how I was raised, it wasn't pretty and that's not how we roll. I want my kids to be better than me, we are a close family, confide and confer and help each other. It's really great to hear from those that have "helped" and those who were the "receivers" of the love and support of a close family. Banana, I wished you lived by me so we could family shop together!

    Anyway, I have been reading a lot because although I used to be decent in mixing I've grown a bit stagnant over the years. The chair...it's a monster and a big challenge but boy is it comfortable. My son drove almost an hour and a half to pick it up and paid for it himself so I think he's very pleased with his chair. I have caught my son touching his onyx table's lol. The rug, yep it's a challenge as well but son wants black so hopefully black drapes will help along with a few black pillows. The high low that's happening with eight foot ceilings is another problem. Sofa is 38" h and the big a$$ chair is 47"h and bulky so I think I'm going to need some high meatier lamps on each side of sofa. I'm going to try and do an 80/20 but as I am not hip to furniture styles, well I'll just try. He wants some orangey colors so I am coming around to thinking that since we are winging it maybe I will try and keep a fairly neutral thing with all furnishings including the extra chair and have the black in the rug, drapes and a few pillows and just have a bit of orange in accessories and art. Maybe I should skip another color.
    At least that's what I'm thinking today :)

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I'm too late to help with anything but congrats on having a motivated DS and on what you've found. I couldn't help noticing that you have problems posting pictures--and thought I'd offer a suggestion on that (hope that's ok). It appears that you're posting code for your image plus some unnecessary code as well--thus we see a bunch of code that we really don't need to see with each picture.

    When you go to your photobucket acct and see the picture in your album you'd like to show here--beside the picture will be some codes. Click on the HTML code ONLY and a little box will show "copied". Then paste that into your message box here (hitting return after each code pasted). Also if you upload them to photobucket at a size of about 600 x 400, they'll be a size that actually are legible rather than postage stamp size. Hope that helps and good luck to your DS.

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Here's some art I thought might work in his living room. (I bought it for my daughter too). It's at Target, $49.99, artist Gabriela Villareal, "Ocaso Ochre". 54" x 16". Printed on stretched canvas.

    Can't find it on the Target website, but here's a close one by the same artist. The colors are more vibrant in real life. Mustard, burnt orange, brown, turquoise.

    Here is a link that might be useful: abstract art at Target

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    jterrilynn, there is nothing wrong with helping your son. It's obvious if he's purchased his own home that he's a responsible young man and could most likely buy his own furniture also, but your excitement in helping him make his newly purchased "house" a "home" is a sign of the love between you. I think it's wonderful.

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Well the room is morphing into something else. Son likes this cheap "O" jazz mirrored mural, its sorta cool and cheesy at the same time. The furniture was looking a little too mature so I think the mural adds some 20yr old youth and it ties in the black and light gray carpet to the room. It will be spaced and placed behind the sofa and take up a big area.

    He has a long narrow room that's now limited on space due to the big a$$ chair, difficult having any symmetry so thinking of two matching small bench/stool/ottoman type seating across from chair. I did a layout to scale and sm bench/stools are the only way to get extra seating without blocking the TV viewing. Of course I am now hung up on seating again. I found a sight online called m!dnight velvet; don't know anything about them except they have some low cost slightly unusual stuff. Son doesn't have much room for more side tables (see large coffee table in above post) so we are thinking of the sm head or the tufted ceramic stool/tables below to use as a table and possibly doubling as extra seating (but not sure).

    The rooms accent colors will need to change as well but we are waiting for the mirror mural for inspiration. Right now we are thinking a purple/blue accent but that could change. Also think we need texture but not sure how to add that unless it's just in some pillows or I come up with another idea for stools/tables/bench.
    We also decided against black curtains in the living area, might be too much black with the black carpet and black in mirror mural so we bought these pale gold ones from sm@rtbargins. The window is across the room from the big a$$ chair so I was thinking it would look better to have a similar color on the window to balance it out a bit.

    I'm trying to buy all the furniture from craigslist to stay in my $1,200 budget (not including accessories) but still need a 48" round used dining set. I'm so sick sick sick of looking on CL but have too to keep the cost down. If I see one more ad that says "designer" I'm going to flip a lid! Of course it's designer, someone designed it!!! And don't get me started on "custom" ads.
    P.S, I'm sorry about these pictures but I'm having trouble with my cable or photobucket and also my overloaded brain so please forgive as I will figure it out later. P.S.S, thank you my friend for helping me look for canvas art, I feel really bad I didn't post the cheesy mural earlier ( but I REALLY thank you all for help and kind words!!!

    http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af170/jterrilynn/e88f54b5.jpg"; target="_blank">{{gwi:1801913}}http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af170/jterrilynn/4d8bbec8-1.jpg"; target="_blank">

    http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af170/jterrilynn/b7267bed-1.jpg"; target="_blank">
    http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af170/jterrilynn/48ca1471.jpg"; target="_blank">
    http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af170/jterrilynn/c9fd2ac2.jpg"; target="_blank">
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    http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af170/jterrilynn/c420cee8.jpg"; target="_blank">

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