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flickering lights

16 years ago

Hi, we have an old house w/ circuit breaker. We live on a main road and there are businesses near by.

lately, although it has happened a bit before, we have had flickering lights in rooms. the lights appear to dim really quick and go back to normal. it isn't really that noticeable and we notice it most in the bathroom with a light fixture w/ four lightbulbs or other rooms that have fixtures with more than one light bulb.

This happened a bit before and it is happening more often now. once it was very bad and i called the electric company and they said they were having power interruptions that caused our electricity to be affected.

The lights never turn off and you would not notice the flickering if you were looking at the light. You just notice it when reading or looking in the mirror.

When the de-humidifier or heavy appliance turns on the dimming is more noticeable than this problem we notice now.

What could this be? we suspect it is the electrical company. how can we find this out? We have lived in our house for over 5 years and it has always happened but in the last month it has been happening more often.

I wouldn't mind having an electrician coming in but i once called 3 electricians (a year ago) because we had a problem which we fixed (gfci died) and only 1 out of the 3 called back and when i called him back to come to our house he never called back! So frankly, unless it is something we can't fix ourselves I just don't want to deal w/ it again!

The lights are on different circuits. We have incadenscent (don't know how to spell sorry) lights in all the fixtures. We did have CFL's but replaced them all when one of them burnt out and melted. We have to return them all, i guess they were starting fires and are recalled.



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