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Rug and ottoman

14 years ago

IÂve been thinking about both of these ideas for awhile now. Valinsv mentioned a rug again in my most recent furniture arrangement for this room.

We wonÂt be replacing the carpet anytime soon.

I only want a synthetic rug and I donÂt want to spend over $400. Would prefer to find something on sale. With three cats, two kids in the future, and possibly a dog, I have zero desire to baby a rug. I would prefer to stay lighter in background color because of showing lint/hair. Ordering online is too risky with color.

This is the rug IÂm considering. My paint (BM Shelburne Buff) looks terrible and not accurate in the store lighting. I like that the colors in this rug arenÂt completely matchy match but I think they work. I do have accessories in the room with the bluish/greenish whatever you want to call it color. I also think it works with the colors in the furniture. The color of my carpet is variegated throughout the background.







This is the 8x10 mock up.









This is the ottoman I love from Overstock. ItÂs 40"x30". 18"H. You donÂt have to use the shelf and I probably wouldnÂt.


This is the mock up with the ottoman. I donÂt want a coffee table and I need to keep this under $350.

I wonÂt be able to get either of these things until at least Oct. but IÂm thinking ahead.

-The half table against the wall is going to go to my sister when they move this fall. IÂll either leave that space empty or find something else eventually.

-I know my end tables are too tall but they honestly donÂt bother me and will stay for now.

What do you think?

Comments (150)

  • 14 years ago

    sheesharee, any rug you think you might like from Home Depot or Lowe's is worth ordering in the size you would want, and looking in your actual room, because if you don't like it, you just return it to any local store! Special order size, doesn't matter....order online, return in store. Both stores have some surprisingly nice rugs. Overstock, Rugs Direct, etc. all have good prices on name-brand rugs but it's important to order a small one first so if you don't like the quality or the color, the return postage won't be prohibitive. But if you see some things you think you might like at HD or Lowe's, order away! Put them on your floor and look at them in your real room and real light...take pics and post if you want. If it doesn't work, roll them up and schlep them to your local store...they take returns of large rugs nicely and with no hassle. Ask me how I know. ;~)

  • 14 years ago

    Shee, most places they like to nap I have the pads or donut beds. Artie loves to lounge on the bench in the keeping room, so it's always covered with a kitty throw. For me it's easier to toss something in the washer than to have to vacuum or lint roll all the time.

    Here is a link that might be useful: have a few of these

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    If it were my room this is what I'd do: choose a rug, it should be large so that the sectional front legs sit on it. That will give some colors to choose for the accents. NO accent wall. An accent wall should be a wall without windows, doors, FP, you don't have that. I'm not loving your TV arrangement but assuming it's new I would bring the ladders in closer to make it look like 1 piece and put only 1 piece per shelf and all the same color. What you have displayed now does not have any pizazz. For example blue if that is in your rug. If the TV console is not new I would replace it with one that is at 25% wider than the TV. I love your crown molding but it does weird things on your FP wall. I would paint the kitchen & family room a light neutral color. BM Edgecomb Gray is a good one but you need to try it in your room. No pillows on the puffy sectional, just a couple of throws. A piece of art over the FP, the same size as the fire box. Horchow.com
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    IMO the 1 st thing you need is a proper TV cabinet that gets the TV at a level where the center of the screen is at eye level when you are seated. I rarely like orange and black together . get some actual art on the walls , choose your colors from the art . get rid of all the little things that hold other little things like the book shelves for instance. Family photos are IMO best displayed in more private areas and even if you want yours they need to be much bigger. IMO pput the TV on the wall where the loveseat is there is no point in arranging furniture where no one can see the screen at an angle. Check out Besta from Ikea for the TV wall youcan get storage , TV and some small amount of display for special items Drapes need to appear able to close even if you never close them. I also like the same drapes on all the windows in a space.
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  • 14 years ago

    Kmcg- Oops! I see that now! Would you mind taking a close up shot of yours from the side. That was a great find!

    Briosafarm - I may end up doing just that. I really want to see the ivory rug in the room. It will be a royal pain taking it back but at least I'd know.

    Here are some taped mock ups. They're about 24¨ out from the furniture. I think it looks like they should scoot in more and they'd have to when in use because my short legs won't reach!

    Bernhardt 40x40

    Bernhardt 48x30 like Kmcg's :)

    Overstock 40x30 (I make the tape a little closer to the furniture for this one.)
    The height and color will make this more substantial in the room and I'm not sure what size would be best. I don't want to feel like I¡¦m climbing around an ottoman every time I'm in the room.

    What do you guys think? I I'm still waiting to hear on pricing. I may not always have that long of a couch. I also may or may not have a rug when this is all done but I do, for sure, want an ottoman for my feet.

  • 14 years ago

    Natal - We must have posted at the same time. Thanks for showing the pics of your cats! I like the animal print ones. I finally got smart with the kitty bed in the LR and put a brown square piece of sample upholstery fabric in the bed. That's much easier than fighting with the lint roller or sweeper on the fleece bottom.

  • 14 years ago

    Thomas Home Furnishings called me back.

    The 48x30 (like Kmcg's), with shipping is $578.35

    I think the lady was really confused then. She told me she could only get the Bernhardt 40x40 ottoman in fabric. She then said the Colston Square Ottoman is leather. Looking at the web page the BRAND is Bernhardt, COLLECTION is Van Gogh, DESCRIP is Colston Square Ottoman. So I think we were actually talking about the same 40x40 ottoman. Anyhow, that one with shipping is $610.65.

    She said the price may go up or down until I'm able to order it but usually only $5-10 one way or another.

    More than the prices I'm interested to hear your thougths on the sizes.

  • 14 years ago

    I would go with the square one.

  • 14 years ago

    Have you looked at JC Penney for rugs? They have a wide selection, many of them washable, affordable, and in a wide range of colors and sizes. You can often get a deal on shipping, too, if you donÂt have a PenneyÂs nearby. If you do, you can return it to the store to be shipped back.

    I think the square ottoman is a better fit than the rectangle, but have you considered a round one? You have so many rectangles in the room already that a round would be a nice change.

  • 14 years ago

    Les - There is a JCP near me. I'll have to check it out. I want a synthetic though and I was thinking they had mainly wool.

    I have considered a round and agree it would break up all the circles. Most round ones I see seem to have a wood bottom like this... I still like it a lot but people have mentioned I already have enough wood.
    Bernhardt 43x20
    This one is by Precedent and is 42.5 x 27 x 17H I'm not wild about the square legs though.
    I was thinking for feet, a square/rectangle might be better (for people who sit on sofa). But the square is 40" the one about is 42.5 so I guess a circle would be fine.

    Basically I like the traditional, tufted, nail heads are a plus, leather ottomans.

  • 14 years ago

    NIIICE exceeded the bandwidth. I didn't realize I wouldn't be able to see any photos after that. I just figured I couldn't use anymore. Oh well.

    Anyhow, the round Bernhardt I just posted is 20" high and my couch/loveseat cushions, the very top of the seat is 19ish".

  • 14 years ago

    Sorry..... last post for awhile.

    The price quote for the round Bernhardt with shipping is almost $900 so that one is out. I'll look around.

  • 14 years ago

    Is this the one that matches your furniture?

    tufted ottoman

    I would think about a chenille or microfiber, rather than leather. The leather feels very dark and heavy, and I think you have enough pieces in the room already that have a dark finish or feel. Something like this, in the moss chenille that picks up the green in the couches, or a gold chenille, would be nice.

    jessica ottoman

  • 14 years ago

    Les - Yes, that's it. When we bought the couch and loveseat we almost also bought the huge chair and ottoman too. .. Yikes. So glad we didn't.

    I like the look of the Jessica ottoman. You think the size of that ottoman is good? I don't care for microfiber and wondering about the cat hair on chenille. Originally the "dark heavy feel" I was hoping to axe by getting rug #1. Which I've been considering bagging the rug idea all together. You've given me something to think about.

  • 14 years ago

    I donÂt think a rug is going to change the darker feel, since the carpeting is already light.

    I believe the Jessica ottoman is just a couple of inches smaller than the square coffee table you were considering, so I think it would be fine.

    Another thing to consider, if you are crafty, is to fine a used wood coffeetable on Craigslist, and add padding and upholster it to make an ottoman. Here is a link to one example:

    homemade ottoman

  • 14 years ago

    I have considered transforming a CL one. There was one a few months back that had thick, not fancy, iron legs that I thought would be neat. The table was on the skinny side so I passed but you guys almost saw a "do you think I should turn this into an ottoman?" thread.

    I'll keep my eyes peeled on CL.

  • 14 years ago

    Quick update, the Overstock rug is out of the running. I've been sending emails back and forth to them and they won't tell me the maker due to contract reasons but they did finally tell me it's "bonded" leather. I'd prefer not to spend the money if that's the case.

    I went to some more stores and looked at some round skirted ottomans and they're not doing much for me IRL. I did find a fabric round ottoman online without a skirt but the nailhead trim is silver, which I don't like, and I can't see the fabrics in person.

    I still really want leather. Kmcg, can you take a close up shot of yours? You don't have any cats do you? Mine don't claw things but I'm wondering what to expect with the normal wear and tear if I go with a Bernhardt one.

  • 14 years ago

    Ok honesty here...unless you REALLY want/need an ottoman, I can't see spending that much money on one. I got this one from TM for $299 and I knew I was getting a deal because I came home and looked it up on the Bernhardt website. I KNOW I would never have paid full price. That's me. I have a dog that likes to jump up on it and she has left scratches all over it! I removed it from the family room last week and it is now in the basement where the dog is not allowed. So, yes, it scratches easily and I am sorry I brought it up from the basement in the first place. I don't have cats so I don't know what damamge they will do. So, now I will probably look for a coffee table or at least wait for a coffee table to appear in front of me as the ottoman did! My camera is charging now, so I will take a picture for you and post soon.

  • 14 years ago

    Shee - just a thought, but if you decide you could go with a fabric ottoman - you can make one yourself. At one time I had a blog bookmarked where the gal and her husband made an ottoman but can't find it right now. I'm sure if you do an online search, you could find directions. The one they made also opened, so good for extra storage.


  • 14 years ago

    ALRIGHT, alright.. I give in. :( I'd never get rid of our cats and will always have cats so guess my dream of beautiful leather will have to fade. Kmcg, if you wouldn't mind taking a few shots still when your camera is good to go.. I'd still like to see the ottoman up close and the scratches.

    I still want an ottoman. I was looking at fabric ones and they're pricey as well so I'm going to take the advice given here and try to find a coffee table on CL and turn one into an ottoman. When I recovered my kitchen chairs I ordered the wrong foam so I have this huge sheet of 1" foam hanging out in the attic. Always wondered what on earth I was going to do with it. I could use spray adhesive or something and layer it up. I'd only need dacron and fabric. I know I could do it easy peasy. I also wouldn't feel bad finding it a new home someday if I didn't shell out a bunch of money.

    Looking real quick, this is listed on CL for $30. I like the legs. Paint her up and upholster the top. I'm waiting on dimensions. What do you think?

  • 14 years ago

    Do you have a World market near you? I was in one a few weeks ago and they had a rectangular leather ottoman where the top flipped over and you would have a hard surface to sit drinks , etc on. It made me stop and look at it and I'm sure the price was right. The best of both worlds!

  • 14 years ago

    Kmcg - No. Wish I had that, Home Goods and Ikea near me.

    Found this blog. There's a coffee table just like that on my CL right now but they want to sell it with an end table.

    Here is a link that might be useful: ottoman

  • 14 years ago

    My vote is still for a leather ottoman; though I agree with kmcg I would not spend so much $$ on one. Between kids (planned) and cats, your furniture is bound to take a beating over the years; unless you want a touch-me-not house. You could get fabric and one incident with a misplaced sharpie or crayon a few years from now and there it goes.

    Do you think if you put a tray on top of the ottoman (like kmcg), the cats will still jump on it?

    So my vote is to spend the $200 or so on one of the Tuesday AM ones--may not be perfect, but good enough! Then put your feet up on it with a nice glass of wine! If it lasts two years before it starts looking worn/scratched, then you know you can always recover it with fabric. All of that foam and batting also costs a bundle and frankly, what I saw on the blog looked like a coffee table covered in batting and fabric--not an ottoman. Did you see the Part II--where she was dissatisfied and recovered it and cut down the legs?

  • 14 years ago

    Did you notice the rug used with your sofa in the ad linked above? Similar to what you were looking at with the black/white pattern but reversed with a black ground. The pattern looks smaller and is also smaller than your sofa's pattern. It's done as a smaller accent, grounding the sofa area, which might or might not work for you. There's a good bit of light/white to it and a close pattern that lint and cat hair wouldn't show so much on the black ground, which you were concerned about.

    Interesting to see your sofa with a patterned rug. It looks good!

    Here is a link that might be useful: Your Sofa's Ad

  • 14 years ago

    Val - "unless you want a touch-me-not house. You could get fabric and one incident with a misplaced sharpie or crayon a few years from now and there it goes"

    Ok good point. Honestly, the cats will be all over it when it's new but they're very well behaved for cats. I'll admit one is front declawed, *Not interested in hearing anyone's opinion on that*, and the only problems I should have is if they get tearing around bouncing off. That's why I was curious to see what scratches in leather looks like? I couldn't find any info on the ottoman maker from Tuesday Morning. What if it's bonded or bicast leather? It just said "leather" on the tag? I wish I knew people that had leather or fake leather of some sort so I could compare and see.

    Looking back at the blog I see what you mean now. I was really excited at the thought of making one earlier. I remember how thrilled I was when I recovered the chairs, lol.

    Spring - I didn't take notice of it until you pointed it out. I think it looks nice too. Still been searching for a rug but nothing else is turning up.

  • 14 years ago

    Ohh, Thomas AlexandER. Before when I was looking up the maker of the Tues Morning ottoman, I must have been spelling it wrong. Here's the site.

    Can't find those ottomans though.

    Here is a link that might be useful: thomas alexander site

  • 14 years ago

    I know you keep mentioning getting real leather but in my opinion todays leather by cast or whatever are not bad at all. For example my daughter has had 6 leather bicast dining room chairs from costco for 6 years now and they have held up perfectly even though she has a cat. Mind you the front claws are gone but I know the cat jumped up and down on the chairs often.
    I am not saing it is as nice as the real real leather but price wise and not bad looks make it perfect in my opinion.

  • 14 years ago

    We have always had cats and have had leather furniture for the past 12 years. Our previous sofa and chair were dark green (It WAS 1998, after all). One of our cats at the time (Louie, and I still miss him) loved to play fetch. He, too, was front declawed. The amount of damage he did to the ottoman was enormous, and I kept a throw on it to cover them. Ditto the back of the couch (where he used to have his nightly crazies running through the house, on top of the sofa, through the entryway, etc), and the seat cushions. He loved to fetch for hours and he'd bring the ball back and sit on the sofa waiting for us to throw it again, then propel himself off the sofa or ottoman to chase the ball. Our current leather is caramel colored. I have a couple of places on the sofa with claw marks but they're not very noticeable. Our current cat, Max, loves to lay on top of the sofa cushion, but doesn't seem to damage the leather when he jumps off. He also fetches but he never gets a chance because of the dogs. I think one of the reasonx the scratches on the green sofa were so noticeable was because of the color. I also think it depends on the cat, and how deeply they grab when jump. When Louie would jump off my lamp, sometimes he'd leave scratches on me; Max doesn't do that. Oh, and cats LOVE ottomans. It puts them in the center of things, just like they like it!

  • 14 years ago

    Honestly...I'd get something like this ottoman from O.
    Spring-meadow...fabulous idea!

    Here is a link that might be useful: Button-tufted Dark Brown Leather Ottoman

  • 14 years ago

    How about this rug??

    Here is a link that might be useful:

  • 14 years ago

    I think the cat's weight also has something to do with how deep the scratches are. I have a cedar chest that sits in front of a couple bedroom windows. Until I wised up and covered it with a quilted throw Artie left his mark. I never noticed marks from Hanna and we adopted her a year before Artie. She weighs 9.5 lbs to Artie's 20.5.

  • 14 years ago

    I think a large square or round ottoman would be your best shape, Shee (so all people sitting on sofas can use it).

  • 14 years ago

    Lyban & Dee, I was only going by what I read online from the descriptions of the bicast etc. leather. Thanks for sharing your experiences. It's good to hear the feedback.

    Dee - Louie sounds like he was an awesome cat. Like typical cats, mine only play fetch when they feel like it. :)

    Lori - I like how that ottoman looks. It's only 30x30 though which is kind of small. Do you think it will look out of proportion? The first ottoman I posted on here was 40x30 to give you an idea of how big it would be.

    I like that rug. Which color were you thinking? The size is a little longer though. All the mock ups above were 10' just to give you an idea.

    Natal - You're right. Although our light weight Gizmo can leave scratch marks with the best of em when she's scared and jumping. Ask me how I know? :)

    Hoosier - That would be better for everyone. Decisions, decisions.

  • 14 years ago

    Lori, looking at the link at Overstock they only have the black or burgandy. I'm assuming you meant the black. Will the room look too heavy? I really need to figure out how to work photoshop.

  • 14 years ago

    Interesting read. This site is saying both bycast and bonded leather is durable. (below) I found on another site someone said they had a bonded leather ottoman for 10 years and it's just now starting to look rough.

    Here is a link that might be useful: leather

  • 14 years ago

    I did mean the black...
    I keep looking at the ad that springmeadow posted.
    Sometimes that rug looks black on my monitor and sometimes brown.
    Becky, can you possibly photoshop the O black rug for Shee?

  • 14 years ago

    Back with pics! Here are a few, from all angles. The dumb dog lay with a bone to chew. The bone did most of the damage. I'm sick!

  • 14 years ago

    kmcg: Can't help but wonder if there is some way to fix that--via some combination of a color treated leather cleaner/conditioner--similar to a shoe polish? We use a leather cleaner/conditioner on our car and it works very well. Have you tried something like that?

  • 14 years ago

    No val, I haven't tried, but you're right about a shoe polish. I'll start with just a regular leather wipe first and see what happens.

  • 14 years ago

    Kmcg - Oh man. Yes, I think I'm going to pass on expensive Bernhardt. It's beautiful but I don't want to wrap that much money into one. Thank you for posting those close ups. I was also wondering if there was something you could rub on to help them blend? You'll have to let us know if the leather wipe works.

    Going through the Overstock reviews for the 1st ottoman I posted, the one I found out is bonded leather, I did manage to find one review that wasn't the generic "it's beautiful". Why oh why can't people put more though into reviews?? Anyhow, the one lady said her dog jumps up all over and there are no scratches. That along with feedback from here and things online makes me think it might not be a terrible idea. When you factor tax and the gas to get the Tues. Morning the ottomans pretty much even out price wise.

  • 14 years ago

    I have a black leather loveseat that got scratched on one side - not a huge scratch and not that visible, but still . . . (LOL) anyway, I went over it with a bit of black shoe polish and it is all but invisible. Not sure that I would shoe or leather polish on something that a pet might get back on, but since you've moved the ottoman - I'd try it!

    Shee - for a smaller piece like an ottoman, I think you'd be fine going with the bi-cast, etc. instead of top of the line. You would want a higher grade for a sofa, chair, etc. for for the ottoman, to be used as you want, I would think the bi-cast would work fine.


  • 14 years ago

    Here are some tips for you, Kmcg:

    Here is a link that might be useful: Scratches on leather tips

  • 14 years ago

    Shee, do you really want an ottoman? Don't get me wrong, I think most of them are very pretty, but I also find them to be a fad right now.

    I don't see too much wood in your house at all. Have you thought about an old fashioned coffee table? It would cost next to nothing compared to an ottoman. And they're more versatile also.

    You can soften the looks of coffee tables by adding doilys, table runners, toppers..in all sorts of fabric and prints.

    I doubt I'll ever get rid of mine, even though the top is getting some wear and tear, it adds to the charm. And it's great to plop the ole feet on!

  • 14 years ago

    If you're planning on little ones, coffee tables are notorious for being at just the wrong height for little heads falling into them. When our kids were little we bought a coffee table with rounded edges and that was light enough weight that it would move if they fell onto it (rather than staying fixed and them smashing their head on it).

  • 14 years ago

    Oakley - Yeah, I truly want an ottoman for my feet. Mom and Dad had a coffee table growing up and it sure wasn't comfortable on the heels. I'm barefoot all the time at home.

    The kid thing is also something that I'm not real concerned about the issue now but I suspect I might feel very different when we have kids. I remember when my sister tripped and fell into the corner of our coffee table when she was little. She had an instant purple goonie on her forehead. I know I could get a round or oval one but again, going back to the feet thing.

  • 14 years ago

    i have an leather chair and ottoman and leather sectional... have a kitty who is declawed, but has her back claws... no scratches that i have noticed on the ottoman, but a few times her back claws have left scratches on the sect...i did similar to what tina did and hid them with furniture repair markers and the scratches are basically invisible! our big dogs do not go on the furniture...that might be a different story!
    i would get a leather ottoman...they are comfortable and are great for extra seating!

  • 14 years ago

    Thankyou hoosiergirl! Although not completely gone, I am resigned to looking at it with new eyes...a la Ralph Lauren! He loves distressed leather!

  • 14 years ago

    Lots of good stuff in that link. I had to laugh though at the remark made,"The best way to avoid this happening is to keep the cats off the furniture in the first place."

    HELLO? If it were that easy nobody would ever have any problems. They obviously don't have cats.

    Kmcg - Did you get your scratches fixed yet?

  • 14 years ago

    New question, what do shoes to do a leather (real or fake) ottoman when your feet are up? We're always barefoot but I'm not going to tell guests to take their shoes off before using the ottoman, you know?

  • 14 years ago

    Fixed? As in NO scratches? NO! Used a leather conditioner. Made the leather shiny, but the scrathes are still there. Like I said, think Ralph Lauren. He would just add a tartan throw on it and call it a day!

  • 14 years ago

    I feel better now!

  • 14 years ago

    Just a suggestion. I was able to get a small bottle of leather dye from the leather manufacturer of one of my leather sofas. If Bernhardt still sells that color leather, you may be able to contact their customer service and get some dye in the color of your ottoman.