I Love this Lamp, but is it the Right Style?
14 years ago
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- 14 years agolast modified: 9 years ago
- 14 years agolast modified: 9 years ago
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I would love some opinions this lamp. Antique? PLEASE?
Comments (9)Glad you got some answers. Scarabs are in U>S. also. I just wrote & asked if anyone knew what my deep turquoise green beetles were, look like a huge bumble bee & they don't want me under the apple tree. I wondered if they would sting me. They get quite noisy they also die under the trees, I thought they were getting drunk on the few apples that cook on the tree. someone said what a way to die & that they lay their eggs & then die so I have several,unless the mower got them up. Hummers had been feeding on the mushy apples too. I opened 1 that critters hadn't & ate a bit & it tastes just like you baked it. Same person said that hummers wouldn't be hurt by them. They are very pretty pests!! And you don't have to go to Africa to find them....See MoreDifferences in parenting styles-do I have the right to complain?
Comments (11)Daycamp a couple weeks this summer might be something she actually enjoys if she will give it a chance. You might also suggest to dad that you'd like say two morning (or afternoons) a week that allow you to be free of caretaking. Time to clean house, do your errands, book club at library or whatever. That would not be unreasonable. When dad goes off to work along the lines of 9 to 5 Monday through Friday and you're the 'stay at home' caregiver, your correct that the 'not my kid, not my problem' is something that's easier said than done. Dad is leaving you at home in charge of watching his daughter for 8 to 9 or more hours a day until he gets home. While I agree with others that you can't tell dad his daughter can't watch tv if dad thinks it's perfectly okay for his daughter to be a couch potato, that does not mean you have to be the one there taking that responsibilty all day, day after day. And if you plan an outing such as a walk or a trip to the library, she has to join in as she can't stay home alone. If you really have no hope of motivating activities other than tv/vids, you might also try setting her up in a place other than the living room. But not her bedroom. A playroom with the tv, books, crafts, toys ...and declare 'quiet time' for an hour (but not sshhh, no noise allowed)...just a simple 'we are going to clear the livingroom for an hour, it's time for our quiet time'. Maybe she'll go off to her playroom, maybe she'll go outside, it's her choice what and how she spends the time, it just can't be in the livingroom. Lure her outside, set yourself up a place for your 'my space', a cozy corner of your deck or under a shade tree where you can go out and read. Who knows, maybe with you outside daughter will venture out and ride that scooter. I think what most have been trying over your different posting threads in telling you in their opinions, is that you can't tell dad how to raise his daughter (example, too much tv, no veggies, inactive sedate days) but you do get some say in how *you* spend the day. It's unrealistic to think one will have lots of relaxation, quiet time, and self entertaining kids all day when there are children in the home...if you know how that can be done without affecting normal childhood, write a book, it'll be a best seller LOL... it is not unrealistic to think that you have to be the one doing all the caregiving in dad's absence. Shakti above had some good ideas with "May be you can do something with her (think as if she were your own d, what would you do with her? - talking, joking, walking in the park, cooking together ...)" If you do intend to remain the sole caregiver during dad being absent, you are going to have to come up with ways to make it workable for both daughter and you without complaining and fighting. If SD is not there one week, maybe that's when you need to focus on the main housework. Maybe folding towels and putting her own laundry away could be a regular assigned chore. Helping set the table. Little things that are actually helpful to you yet gives her a sense of not only responsibilty but also a sense of being a part of what's going on in the home...being included....See MoreWhat style of lamps would you suggest?
Comments (19)Thanks all. I think this simple style might be the one - Kichler, Bronze finish, vertical ribbed base - but it is about 3 1/2" shorter than the brass look ones I have. Do you think this shape and a shorter height would work? I pasted this picture in my room via Photoshop but it is probably still a bit tall in my paste up work. It is decribed as "Warm and comfortable style from Kichler Collections, this modest table lamp is a staple in the casual decor. A burnished bronze finish is accented by a linen hard back empire shade. The ribbed base table lamp will bring an urban look to your room." LampsPlus has it for $149.99 with free shipping; another place has ir for $128 with free shipping. Does this one work better than what I have?...See MoreWaterford lamp in PB-style LR?
Comments (24)paint_chips - Thanks for doing a mockup of my layout! But I didn't mention that my PB desk has a matching hutch so it needs to be in a corner. I actually love it in the corner. It's tucked away just enough that the family will occasionally forget I'm there so I can get some work done. Sorry but my image didn't truly show the layout. Behind the desk and filing cabinet is an open railing so I can't move the TV there. And right now the TV is mounted on the wall above the console. It took DH months to finally install it so I'm not about to tell him to move it! Since the DR is open to the LR I tried to position the sofa and chairs so it seemed like they were in line with the DR table. That leaves the desk/filing cabinet in their own little space. It feels balanced. But you're all right about the lighting. What if I remove the end tables and get a sofa table? Then I could put one lamp on the sofa table and another on the file cabinet. (Blechh! I know.. not many people have file cabinets in their living rooms. But I need it next to the desk.) Or would the 28 1/2 inch lamp be too tall behind the sofa? This new layout is more true-to-scale. bbstx - I did the google search and the cross-dressing guy with the pearls is a hoot! bumblebeez - Old lady here, too, but maybe I need to change my paradigm about pearls. Other posters have pointed out they're not just for formal occasions but for the beach and the bedroom, too! But I would need to forget how expensive they are before wearing them out and about. lynn_r_ct - No daughters, but 2 sons. But I do have a niece that I am very close to. She's a real girly-girl and would absolutely love those pearls. So.... I am still waffling between the lamps and the pearls. I like the idea of purchasing cheaper lamps at Home Goods and selecting the pearls from the catalog. But I would need to wrap my brain around using pearls as my "everyday" necklace....See MoreRelated Professionals
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