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Help me update my 1983 family room!!

12 years ago

We moved into our home just over a year ago and it is now time to address this room. Right now it is being used as a kid play area and it looks as such. We want to make it into our family room. Can anyone make suggestions as to what we might be able to do to make this into a cozy family room? We would like to have a tv and couches in here - placement recommendations welcome. Any of the furniture/fixtures in there can stay or go (we will definitley be getting rid of that couch in there).

We are planning to remove the carpet and tiles on the floor. We also need to do something with the fireplace - suggestions welcome. We have 3 little kids so we can't have anything too formal. I think the space is 21 x 14. Don't worry about offending me with your suggestions - I know the room looks awful and welcome all ideas.

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