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How about a book club ?

12 years ago

I'm posting these titles before I have to return them to the library. They have some really good ideas, I thought some of you might find them useful:

*500 ideas for small spaces- easy solutions for living in 1000square feet or less(that's me !) by Kimberly Seldon

*Better Homes and Gardens small space decorating

*Country Living Small Space Chic by Gail Abbott

*Creative Finishes Series Painting and Decorating Tables by Phillip C. Meyer

After a complete escavation I'm still trying to pull it all together LOL

I did buy a comforter for $3 at a church flea market, it's temporary as I haven't put the bed together yet. Mattress/box spring is still on the floor...the Matelasse or Chenille bedding will come later after the bed is set up. I warned DH that once the bedding is purchased HRH(her royal highness) must get regular monthly manicures. He's usually very good about it but sometimes if he's busy he waits until she starts sticking to things...She loves my LL bean waterhog mat !

What are your favourite small space decorating/idea books ?

Here is a link that might be useful: vermont country store

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