Pottery Barn no longer has Customer Comments?
11 years ago
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Comments (90)
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Pottery Barn delivery experience?
Comments (35)I would rate it a zero if I could. Terrible experience. Ordered a rug and was told a 4 week delivery. It was four months. Rug was sitting in a warehouse in GA for 6 weeks so I knew it was available for delivery. No communication, delivery dates would come and go with no communication, I had to follow up myself. Finally received my rug yesterday! Supposed to be delivered by11:30, I got it at 2. I was ok with that. Guy who delivered it sliced open the packaging and also sliced the rug right through. Customer service was atrocious. Hung up on twice. Was offered ten percent off the rug or a new one to be delivered in 2 to 4 weeks. I almost cried. I told the customer service rep that she stop quoting delivery times that are lies. Asked if she got a lot of complaints about delivery times. Crickets. Talked to supervisor and he seemed concerned and was sort of helpful. Asked him to be honest with me regarding ever shifting delivery dates and he said it rarely happens. I told him it happened to me on my last two orders. It is truly a shame. I have ordered thousands of dollars of merchandise from them over the past two decades. They were my store of choice for rugs, windows, pillows, etc. because they had good quality and good customer service. I will never order from PB again. They should spend the money they use on sending me a thousand emails a week and on their website and work on their quality and service issues....See MoreDispute with Pottery Barn-Am I wrong?
Comments (58)Pammyfay, that exact thing happened to me at Kohls a couple of weeks ago. I was in the store with my daughters and bought a pair of boots for one of them. They were $54 originally, on sale for $27. I bought them. While we were there, I saw a coat my older daughter liked but they didn't have her size. I decided to look for it online when we got home. First thing I noticed was that they were offering a 20% discount on all purchases (I'd had a 15% coupon I used in the store). They had the coat dd liked, so I bought that as well as a couple of other items. For some reason, I looked at the boots I had just bought not two hours earlier in the store. They were selling for $14.99 in the store plus 20% off. I purchased them again planning to return the ones I'd bought in the store which were double the price! I knew I'd be going back to the store anyway as I had another item to return so it wasn't a hassle and worth it to save $15 (actually almost $20 b/c the extra 20% off online vs the 15% off in store). It was pretty off-putting though to find the website was selling the exact same item at the same time for more than half what I'd paid in the store just hours earlier. Incidentally, I had something similar happen in the reverse at Lands End. I was exchanging some uniform shirts in the Lands End store at Sears that I'd ordered online. I'd gotten them on sale online but they didn't fit. I brought them to the store to return, explaining I wanted to exchange them for a different size, thinking they would re-order them for me. I didn't realize they carried the shirts in the store, so the salesclerk told me where they were. They only had one in stock and I needed two. When she rang me up, they came up even cheaper than what I'd paid online. She had to call lands End to order the second one, but they were advertising it online for the price I originally paid, not the in store price. However, the salesclerk told me that Lands End would price match the store price, which was 25% less. Funny how online vs brick and mortar can have such differing prices!...See MoreWho makes Pottery Barn comfort sofas?
Comments (0)I know Mitchel Gold + Bob Williams does some of the furniture for pottery barn (or at least they used to? Manhattan leather club chairs). I've heard some comes from Rowe and some from Bauhaus. I'm just curious what other companies might supply Pottery Barn? Their customer service is shady, orders are taking way longer than quoted, and they also just got rid of the slipcover I *really* wanted and was saving up for. Sigh. So now I'm starting over trying to find a quality sofa. I want a sofa that's been around a long time so that I can purchase more slipcovers in the future if needed. And I want the slipcover to be machine washer and dryer friendly so I can launder at home. Thank you!...See MorePottery Barn/Williams Sonoma Really BAD issues (resolved and updated)
Comments (43)My husband's experience in warehouse work was that it is highly controlled by computer systems. The problem is, the way it is supposed to work and the way the computers are working is not necessarily in sync with the real conditions on the ground. And there's no middle person who can adjust the two to each other. So there was the way it was supposed to work, they way they were trained to do it, and then the way it was actually happening on the ground, which was often way out of whack. No middle management to problem-solve Since folks were still being held to the time standards, they just had to improvise and do whatever it took to meet the time quota, there was no one to tell them what to do if the computer was wrong. Which of course meant misfiling things, moving stuff, and pulling whatever looked "good enough." Which of course got things way MORE out of whack as time went on. Employees were treated like cogs in a wheel, and no one to oil them. If they broke, the attitude was that there was always another cog in waiting. The staff turnover there was massive. Every day my husband went into work and watched people quit and do the happy dance on the way out. So that bunged up the system even further, the chronic staff shortages just ended up stressing out people who stayed on even more . . . Hubs got called back to his professional job so one day he was the guy doing the happy dance . . . As to the constant staff turnover due to the unpleasant working conditions, I don't know if this was due to the local management or is an overall problem or a little of both. But that's why I'm not surprised that as more and more companies go to a warehousing model, more and more glitches will appear in a system that already wasn't very robust. I worked in a sporting goods warehouse as a summer job in college, and we spent quite a bit of time making sure things stayed organized and adjusting and readjusting the use of space. But hey, that warehouse was small and closed down long ago . . . This happens in a lot of organizations that switch to depending primarily on machines and computers, without accounting for the staff or time to keep them running smoothly and jibing with real time events. AI can only take you so far. It's often way oversold. There is gads of research on how poorly technology is managed, I had to delve into it for my master's thesis on the use of technology in education, same scenario. The fact that Amazon has no real people and customer service department speaks volumes. My latest is they are not crediting returns . . . which you had to return because they mis-filled your order . . . . which is why I have downgraded my Amazon usage. I still to ordering from companies that take customer service seriously. Amazon is a mosh pit and one should not be surprised otherwise. As for Pottery Barn, well they look high end, but I suspect it's just on the surface. I used to save photos from their catalogs as decorating inspiration, but never was going to mail order home decorating stuff. Who knows how long I can live on hand me downs and flea market finds and stuff I just run across sometimes randomly. I got a fabulous wool Persian rug at some random sale day a a random Macy's and I didn't even know the store sold rugs. I was just out window shopping with a friend . . .ironically easier than sometimes the hours I spend online searching for some very specific item I want to buy, from the vast morass of the Internet . . ....See MoreRelated Professionals
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