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Lime Green Kitchen Help

14 years ago

I love the green in my kitchen but I haven't fallen in love with a color to go with it. The brown on the wall in the 2nd picture is ok in the family room but I am not sure about how it goes in the kitchen. Also, I am looking for ideas on curtains above the kitchen windows. Any suggestions would be wonderful.

Comments (35)

  • 14 years ago

    Here's the link for easier viewing!

    Here is a link that might be useful: green ktichen

  • 14 years ago

    I really like the green in your kitchen,too,but I don't care for how there is a different colour on the sink wall. Can that green be carried through on what appears to be your dining area?

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  • 14 years ago

    I think lime green looks good with torquoise and I wish I had a picture to show you, maybe later.

    I would go with a roman shade on the window.


  • 14 years ago

    Flowerpwr45 - Yea, I am glad someone else likes the green. I thinks is fun. My problem is that the family room/dining area and kitchen share that wall. So whatever I do in the kitchen must carry over. I am not a fan of "cutting" off a wall with 2 different colors. Silly wall is causing me all sorts of stress. :) The wall behind the kitchen is my office and its a dark chololate brown. Again, love that color but I think it's too dark for the rest of the family room.

    Newdawn1895 - Great idea on the roman shade. Any fabric suggestions?

  • 14 years ago

    Oh gosh you could go with a mattress ticking or tiole or floral or just plain. I prefer something with a design.

    Go to the fabric store and pick out your fabric, I love doing that. Having roman shades made should not cost more that $75.00 for your size of window. You may want to get names of drape makers from your friends (best way) or from the people at the fabric store.

    We have a discount fabric store here in Alabama that is low in price and has gorgeous fabrics at a fraction. You probably do too, google it.


  • 14 years ago

    The brown does not work with the green, I would paint the kitchen the green color, and put a wide moulding vertically painted white between the two rooms to transition the rooms/color?

    Another option is to repaint the family room, maybe a BM coastal Fog (brown/green), or light daffodil (yellow/green)

  • 14 years ago

    The green and aqua is a great match. This is our office when were still working on it, I thought it would help to show you how well the colors work together. The valance and the framed picture are a set of 6 napkins I picked up from the Pottery Barn Outlet. You may not want something quite so busy but a fabric with these colors would be very cheerful in your window.

    in your window.

  • 14 years ago

    I don't know if you have heard
    of Sarah Richardson seen on HGTY.
    She has a show called Sarah's Home.
    At any rate, this is her personal
    kitchen at her cottage which is lime
    and blue. I love the way she mixes
    different styles together.




  • 14 years ago

    I agree with amrad about painting the rest of the kitchen the green color--you will be so much happier!

    We have a similarly-colored kitchen (it's just a bit darker in color, but has white cabinets), and what we've noticed is that red really pops as an accent color. You don't have to do red, of course, but do consider picking an accent color of some sort. You will love it!

  • 14 years ago

    Wow...thanks for all the suggestions so far. I have been toying with the idea of adding some sort of red or maybe blue. There is one more problem in my decorating delima - my family room couch is a dark green and since all the rooms share the wall I have to work with it too. My husband got that "I am really afraid for our house" look today at Home Depot when I came up to him with more paint samples. :) This transformation has just not been easy. I really do appreciate all your help. Does anyone think that going with BM Monroe Bisque on the brown wall would work?

  • 14 years ago

    Newdawn, Sara Richardson is one of my favs on HGTV. I'm so glad she is back with her show. Last one I saw, she was as pregnant as could be, and I think that accounts for her new maturity and vibrant upbeat style. And on her show, she converses with her partner about the factors contributing to her design decisions. Very helpful to me.

    And in the illustration you posted, I love the pennyy tiles used for the backsplash. Another show (David Bromstadt) used them as well. I'm thinking they would be a good choice in baths as well as kitchens.

  • 14 years ago

    I love her style too Moccainlanding, I'm starting to cross over from all antiques.

    She did a her little girls room yesterday and it was lovely. I learn so much from here.


  • 14 years ago

    I like the green but don't think that brown works with it.

    Whatever color you end up with I'd make that brown wall match so it flows along with the cabinets. I think it looks more out of place/chops the space the way it is than it would if you did some type of transition between the two spaces.

    Do you have a shot of the other side of the room?

    Do you sew at all? You could make a valance My3dogs style. I can hardly sew a button and I've made two. Basically sew a box or use fusible web, used fabric glue for the trim, tie up the sides to whatever height (you could make it look like a roman), fluff, tada!

    I'd use a patterend fabric with red or blue.

    Here is a link that might be useful: My3dogs easy to sew valance instructions

  • 14 years ago

    My vote is a deep apple red in the same color as the rooster you have on your table.

  • 14 years ago

    Here are pictures of the other walls connecting the kitchen to the family room. Please pardon my messes. The weekends seem to get ahead of me. :)

  • 14 years ago

    You're trying to ignore the cabinets as a color element in the room.

    The orange brown of the oak isn't a deep enough brown to work as the "chocolate" in the chocolate/lime/white that you have going on. That's why you're getting that discordant note of things not being quite right. You don't need another accent color in the mix to muddle things up. You either need to darken the cabinets to chocolate with gel stain or use that orange oak that you already have as a prominent tone as an accent to make it work. An orange accent wall in the living area could help to pull the color through the space. And some lime and orange fabric touches will help too.

    Or paint the cabinets white and the chocolate/lime/white scheme will work great.

  • 14 years ago

    Livewireoak - I think you hit the nail on the head. So if I accent a wall with orange in the living area, what color should I put on the other walls that connects all the rooms? Do you think that the BM monroe bisque would work or am I headed in the wrong direction again?

    Painting the cabinets white was an option but with my little one (2), I have put that on the back burner. ;)

  • 14 years ago

    Back home from a short vacation, and we found water under the kitchen sink. Now we have a lovely new faucet and white cast iron sink. God does work in mysterious ways. :) I really need to finish this painting project to pull everything together now. Does anyone think that going with a different green like Behr Grass Cloth or PB Jalapeno Pepper and using that in all the rooms would work? Anyone have pictures with similar situation?

  • 14 years ago

    I had a similar set up a few years ago. It might not be the best solution but I ended up replacing the trim around (french doors) with wider molding up to the ceiling & making the space between look like a faux transom with a yard long print that brought the two colors together with drapery on the sides closer to the ceiling. uggh, I had figuring out how to transition just my thoughts I leave it with you.

  • 14 years ago

    I agree about the brown wall in the kitchen. It needs to be the same as the kitchen color. There are a couple of ideas above about transitions. Any transition would work better than the two colors together. I notice you have a drapery rod above the sliding doors. If you put up some full draperies there, that and wider molding can be a wall transition. Also, I think both rooms would be great with molding at the the ceiling. If you put some decorative item (large pot or pitcher) above the kitchen cabinet next to the sliding doors, the transition would be nearly invisible. Of course, if you could find one paint for both rooms, that would be ideal.

  • 14 years ago

    Instead of pasting the link in the message box, paste it in the link box that says 'optional link URL' and name the link underneath. Then you will directly link to your pics.HTH!

  • 14 years ago

    You have great potential here and I think the green you have will work perfectly though I think you need to carry it all the way into your family room on the long wall. I'm sorry, but the way you have it now seems to chop up the kitchen instead of unifying it with the dining and family room.
    I love the Sarah Richards rooms that Jane posted which gave me the idea of using a pretty light powder/baby blue as the accent since it will go with both wall colors. Not sure about all this working with your sofa since the only view I see of it in your photos it's somewhat in the dark, but the light blue will also work well with your orange/brown cabinets since blue and orange are opposite on the color wheel making them complementary colors.

  • 14 years ago

    I hope that this helps for those that asked about the rest of the space. The beast 1 (green couch) and the beast 2 (plaid couch) are just so hard to work with and I am not sure where I am going right now with decorating. Thanks for all the responses so far. You guys are great.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Livingroom/Kitchen all together

  • 14 years ago

    Thanks for sharing more photos of your living area. If you are keeping the plaid couch I think pretty much any color will be out but the deep burgundy red. Which is perfectly fine. Red and green are complementary colors too so you've got that covered.
    Here's a few virtuals I did of the long being painted green to help you visualize if that's something you and your hubby would care to do.

  • 14 years ago

    Justgotabeme - Oh my gosh that visual is huge! Thank you. What painting too did you use? Would it be too much to ask if you could add the light green to the wall with the dark green couch? I am thinking that maybe we just do both rooms that color now after seeing what you did. Thank you, thank you!

  • 14 years ago

    You are very welcome Mrs. Hogan. :^)
    Here's the wall with your other sofa. Sorry it's a bit sloppy, but I've been making too many virtuals lately and my hand gets to cramping just like it did back in art school.
    I think it would look awesome all painted green.

    Oh I just used Windows Seven Paint program and took a sample of you kitchen wall color.

  • 14 years ago

    I really like it all green!!

  • 14 years ago

    So do I Alisha.

  • 14 years ago

    Alright, the decision has been made to paint the entire area green. (Yippy for a decision!) I am thinking of using Asparagus from Behr. The other green color was a "homemade" color from a bunch of paint in my garage. Can someone tell me the best paint finish to use for both areas? I want a satin for the kitchen area but not for the living area (I think, right?). I so excited to start painting. :)

  • 14 years ago

    Oh yay! I'd check with at the paint store for finish. Anymore you can even find flat in scrubble. I like satin or semi gloss as long as the brands semi gloss isn't too glossy. Some are. Good luck and please come back and share when it's all finished. :^)

  • 14 years ago

    Oh yay! I'd check with at the paint store for finish. Anymore you can even find flat in scrubble. I like satin or semi gloss as long as the brands semi gloss isn't too glossy. Some are. Good luck and please come back and share when it's all finished. :^)

  • 14 years ago

    Oh I hate when that happens. You get this message that says there's an error so you assume your message wasn't posted so you back up and repeat just to find out you've posted twice! Sorry. :^(

  • 14 years ago

    Just spent an hour at HD trying to match paint color. After this morning's attempt failed. Boo hoo. :( Hopefully, I'll get some finished pictures up this weekend.

  • 14 years ago

    After one day of Kilz and some speedy painting, I have changed the entire kitchen and livingroom area. Thank you all SO much for all your suggestions and help. There was just no way to pull off the green in both rooms (in my eyes). Searching on here for suggestions became a full time job and I finally picked BM Shelburne Buff. It looks great with the BM Monroe Bisque in the other room. Now, to work on accessories! I think I am going to pull in some reds and oranges for fall. Thank you all again.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Kitchen Livingroom

  • 14 years ago

    That looks very nice, good pick!!