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What would you do to hide this?

16 years ago

I love our fireplace but after 10 months in my new home I'm unable (or unwilling) to decorate the mantel because of an "ugly white elephant" on the wall.

I'm speaking about the A/C return air register. It's huge at over 3' tall and almost as wide. Originally the area was going to be for a tapestry but the A/C guy had to put the register in-- there was no option.

We thought about putting a picture over it but according to our A/C guy it has to have at least 2"-3" draft space. Looking straight on that's not a problem but coming into my front door you look sideways at that area so you would see this daylight space from the windows showing between the picture and the register.

Plus we were warned the tapestry we originally hoped for will most likely get ruined because the register drafts air including dust particles from the room and that could destroy a tapestry.

We thought about a decorative grill but because of the registers size it would run upwards of $3000 for a nice one and that's just nuts for something I don't want to see to begin with.

If we paint it the same color as the beige room it won't show as much but I'd prefer to do "something" with it. That part of the wall is tall (almost 9') and because of the location it crys for something pretty or neat or cool and not what's there now.

I want to decorate my mantel but I'm afraid all I'll do is entice people to look up and then see only this "wart".

Any solutions or thoughts?

Comments (118)

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Try posting this problem on the HVAC forum. See what they might have to say.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Great idea about posting on the hvac forum. I would try the cheapest option first, painting the grill the same color as the wall.

    And just a little aside, I live in the South so I may have a different frame of reference about hvac systems. I always thought the return is the part of the system that needs a filter. Is your eye sore really just a super large vent where the air blows out?

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  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    terriks...thank you! I've been wondering how people were able to do that.

    The other thing that has mystified me was how people are able to change the font and the color. Are you typing the message outside of Gardenweb's message box where you can change things like that and then pasting it back into the message box? I can't see where Gardenweb allows you to change anything having to do with the text.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Changing the font uses more HTML code. Here are some the basics:

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    The easiest fix is paint it the wall color to minimize the white then use a large iron grate, architectural or antique shutter type item. It will give you the air flow you need. However I would opt for a very large item, I dont know how much footage you have there, but a small item (vent size) would look too little, you need a substantial item for all that negative space, unless you want to place several items up there. It you want the tapestry how about hanging it from the ceiling, away from the wall, again it would have to be quite large. Even protruding an inch or 2 from the wall -it would seem it would not get enough air to the vent. Its too bad you cant reroute the vent, Id consider getting another opinion on that, after all that time and work to build you want to be happy with a focal point like a fireplace.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Why a tapestry isn't a good solution:

    A return takes the air from the room and returns (hence the name "return") it to the furnace. Dust in the room would be drawn into the return. If a tapestry were to be in front of the return, the tapestry would act as a filter, trapping the dust. Good for the air going into the return, but bad for the tapestry.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Someone mentioned using a navajo rug, but then said it would be impossible. I have an idea...What about framing the tapestry, rug, etc and then putting 2 or 3 inch spacers on the back of the frame to keep it from touching the wall?

    Several of the home decorating shows have shown how one can use a wooden cleat attached to the wall, with a similar cleat on the back of the object to be hung so that even heavy items can be mounted on a wall.

    Also, if the rug, tapestry, etc. were washable, it could be removed and washed or vacuumed regularly to avoid damage from dust particles.

    Here is a link that might be useful: How to hang a heavy object using a cleat

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    A return air vent draws air from the room back to the air handler for heating and cooling. For the most effective, safe and cost efficient use, it should not be blocked by any solid material which inhibits the air flow. Unfortunately, a tapestry would greatly inhibit air flow, even if it were projected several inches away from the wall. It would be a continual maintenance issue, collecting dust particles every time the air turned on to heat or cool.

    The optional idea of an iron grate, architectural/antique shutter or decorative wall art with plenty of adequate openings to allow for sufficient air flow would be your best alternative. I've seen several suitable suggestions, so I'm sure you can find something that will fit attractively into the decor of your beautiful home.

    If your vacuum doesn't have a long handled attachment, I suggest that you invest in this as well. Whatever you do place up there will collect dust and air particles like a magnet, so select something that's easy to clean.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago


    Those photo shops really help me. Thank you. I thought I would like the highly colored shutters (the blue and red) but now seeing them up using your PS shows me it's to much color for that area. Some color is ok but not highly colored pieces. I keep going back to the three decorative brown shutters you PS'd right after my last post. Where did you find those? They're awesome!

    The air flows up from the vent. DH and I measured the area last night. It's pretty high and without a ladder we could only get "rough" dimensions but the grate is 38" x 20" .... the painted portion above the mantel and behind the grate is 12' tall x 7' wide......the rock portion from floor to the bottom of the mantel is 8'....the mantel shelf seats at about 5" deep and the mantels height is 12" total height of the fireplace from floor to ceiling is 21'.

    With the dimensions I just gave to bodica I agree with you that it needs something to counter that negative wall space. With a wall that size in the center of the room it needs to have something on it, not just painted to hide the grill. It's to large an area to leave blank.

    A pretty Navajo rug would look great there wouldn't it? Several people have come up with the idea of framing a picture, tapestry (which we had in mind) and now a rug then placing it out the required inches. I have to agree with suero and nanny2a that the dust in the room will be drawn to the return and anything in front of it will act like a filter. Because of the height anything there will have to be fairly easy to clean or cheap enough to throw away and replace.

    I like the C&B wall art (love it's price!) but at only 40" tall it's barely going to cover the vent.
    brugloverz9 helped me to visualize it so if I found something larger it might work. However, I think I am leaning more now to split barn wood shutters or rustic planks that have something painted or some kind of art on them. That way I can either paint the grate the color of the wall (or remove it and leave just the hole) and hang something where the air flow isn't obstructed.

    Now all I have to do is find it!!!!!

    Thanks guys!

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    kats...Glad my photoshopped photos helped!
    The 3 panels were on the Crate and Barrel site...I am not sure about the size of is listed under Wall Art.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Looks like they are 36" long and the 3 together are 45" wide...

    Here is a link that might be useful: crate and barrel wall art

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Did you already check into something like this? the website says they can be made to size. I have no idea of the price.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Tableaux faux iron wall register

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I agree with using "standoffs" to hold a piece of artwork a few inches in front of the return. I would not do a textile but something solid so that the dust is drawn around it and not through it. When I say standoffs I'm thinking of aluminum cylinders or cubes meant to hold glass off of a surface - it's a very modern look, but constructed out of wood it would be a lot warmer. You could even do it as part of a craftsman style frame and it would have sort of a mortise and tenon look to it. Of course we're talking a totally custom frame but you could frame anything within it. I'd also paint it to match the wall in case you get a glimpse behind.

    Here is a picture of what I'm talking about in the modern metal and glass version:


    And here is the kind of frame I was thinking - the tenons could be larger and I would make the actual standoff piece much chunkier than shown above, a square cube of wood that is the same dimension as the frame (if it's a 3" frame than a 3" x 3" x 3" cube of wood holding the frame off the wall and then a smaller maybe 1" x 1" "tenon" holding it on).

    Hope that makes sense.

    Even better, hinge it on one side ti make changing the filters easier. Sorry this is kind of stream of consciousness - I have a one month old baby.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    One other option would be to do a mural with a scene that has a shutter in it and paint the register to be the shutter on a window or next to one.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    If you did a mural you could do it so it doesn't cover the whole wall, but has a wide wood frame like kgwlisa is showing surrounding it and then it would look like a large painting hung there.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Gosh...These ideas are getting better and better all the time!

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Oh now that fun! Look at these murals I found online that incorporate shutters into the pictures!



  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    kats...I love that first one...the upper shutter could go on top of your grate and the others lower...even if you didn't purchase this one, you could make something like it with 3 shutters and a photo of your choice!

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago


    photo is in one direction and the fireplace in another...but it might give you some idea!
    Could you post a straight on photo of your fireplace, I know someone asked earlier, but I thought I would ask again.
    Thanks, Margie

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Sorry, I remember someone asking to post a picture too then DH wanted me to go somewhere and I forgot...

    This is about as straight-on as I can do. I tried taking a picture upstairs but that room doesn't face the livingroom straight.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago


    Still think it is a good idea to make the shutters and photo the size you need it and if this color or photo doesn't go with your room you can put in one that does.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Curious what your fabulous rooster looks like up there? Maybe a faux sunrise/sunset grate infront of vent rising or setting behind a landscape/backdrop, or sillouette....... That is a most unique piece of art, and looks to be about the right size for this focal point?

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I like the shutter idea...with (or without) a picture. It will take a special painting or lithograph (wildlife or rustic in nature) if I decide on a picture. I also have a very large wall between the fireplace and the front door. You can see about 1/2 of the wall size in the straight-on "shutter PS thumbnail" you just did for me. I saw in a gallery two rather large and VERY red photo landscape pieces that I thought would be beautiful on that larger wall. I'm not so sure though after looking at the Photo Shop you did of the red and blue shutters seeby had posted. Whatever I put in both locations, they're so close in proximenty they will really have to work together.
    We live in bear country so just to give a different prospective I found a bear lithograph....

    Curious what your fabulous rooster looks like up there?....The rooster is 6 feet tall way and about 18" wide. I call him "Robby"

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    WOW! I LOVE big "Robby"!!!!!
    The shutters do look great, what would a mirror rather than a picture reflect? You could close for simplicity or open for mirror with candles or changable accents.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I love the rooster! I can't believe it's 6ft tall. I didn't realize your fireplace was sooo big! that must be a wonderful fire to sit by.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    That is an excellent bear, beautifully done! Love it too!

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Yea, I love Robby too. I saw him when we bought our leather couches but didn't really look at him or even check the price. About a month later I told DH I was going to call the store (about a 2 hour drive from us) and see if they still had it. I really didn't expect that Robby would still be there since they only had the one. Anyway, they did and I went down the very next morning and bought him. Believe it or not he was just a little over $200.

    I did suggest a mirror several months ago to DH but he really didn't want one. We have a lot of windows and already having an issue certain times of the year with the sun reflection. We could angle a mirror down but DH really doesn't like the idea of a mirror at all.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I have not read all the posts, I apologize. I would take my time & peruse antique shops for some really cool shutters/ panels. Then contract a skilled carpenter to put it up there for you with advice from your HVAC man.

    Something unique & different like Sweeby posted but in a more earthy feel.

    Your home is gorgeous as well as your views. Sigh....


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    kats...what a wonderful room! Seems to me your fireplace could take something large and bold in that big room with such a high ceiling,too!
    Please be sure to let us know what you finally decide on!

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    From that perspective, I agree, not a great mirror location. It is difficult to keep the grand scale in perspective. I was looking at "gable vents" as an option. If you drove four hours for Robby, you must be very rural so maybe custom builders or artists are not easily available? I did find/google many styles of window,door,balcony, driveway gate/grate in larger sizes but not sure what style works. Looks like you prefer clean simple lines, no clutter, open yet comfy/cosy. Do you and hubby have the same vision for your room or do you each have a distinct style of your own?
    This is a most unique challenge!

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    What an interesting thread: love the wide range of responses!

    An idea, if you want to use a tapestry/rug/weaving:

    1) find/make a wooden frame, large enough so that your textile would center nicely in the middle.

    2) across the back of the textile, sew a strip or two of the "hook" side of Velcro (ie, not the fuzzy side of a velcro closure: the scratchy side).

    3) at a local fabric store, find some cheapo polyester "bathrobe" fabric that will stick to the Velcro hooks. (bring a strip of the hook-y stuff and press it against the different fabric samples till you find one that works) Get a neutral color that works with the textile and with your walls. Staple it well to the wooden frame.

    4) press your textile onto the cloth-covered frame, and hang like a painting. The bathrobe fabric will act almost like a filter, and will absorb most of whatever's coming out of the air vent. The wooden frame, if you build it thick enough, will hold the textile an inch or two away from the air vent. And it would be easy enough to take off /replace the bathrobe fabric if need be, or to switch out another textile and hang it the same way.

    Just an idea! Good luck!

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago


    Not to scale...

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    This is the piece behind Robby...

    Here is a link that might be useful: copper sun

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    The sun comes in a multitude of sizes...from 12" to 60"
    Placed with the spacers someone suggested above, maybe that could even work!

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I think that there have been some wonderful suggestions, but I'm thinking that most of them are all suggesting the same thing - something to cover the grate. One of the 1st rules of decorating is to draw the eye to what you want to see, not what you want to disappear.

    I'd paint it the same colour as the wall (I think you will be shocked by how effective this is on its own), and then decorate the mantel in a really bold way. If it were me I'd buy a series of 5-7 huge vases in neutrals or blacks maybe in varying heights, but you may have a style of mantel dressing already in mind - just make sure it is bold and big, not dinky little doodads. The eye will be drawn to the objects on the mantel not the grate which when painted will not be noticeable anyways.

    Just MHO as always.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    If you did a mural and painted the grate as shutter or feature part of the mural I think you'd hide it well and not block its functionality at all. It would give the mural some 3D in that spot.

    I was thinking something like a building type mural where the grate would be a shutter on the building. Some pics for inspiration where you could make one of the openings be painted with a shutter.

    Carmel mission bell tower

    Another tower

    old wall with grate

    wall with closed shutters
    another wall with closed shutters

    Now what was the reason for this not being able to go in the ceiling?

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thank you all for the compliments on my home.

    Both DH and I are on the same page as far as decorating. We want fun, rustic, simple decor but also want one of a kind type furniture. I must be succeeding because we recently had a neighborhood party and several of the guests who came had not been inside my home before. So one sweet heart of a neighbor who I showed it to earlier that day went on to show it 3 or 4 more times to people while I was busy. She told me later "it is perfect in it's simplicity" at least I'm taking that as a compliment... ;) ... !!!
    I didn't even think to look at gable vents. Actually something antique looking and a little ornate might work nicely whether or not I incorporated it into a mural (a great idea too) or lithograph of some kind.

    antique gable vents

    walkin yesindeed
    I really don't know anything about this register other than what I'm finding out from DH because of this thread. The register takes air in not out. And it doesn't need a filter. So it doesn't sound like the the bathrobe idea would work. But thank you for trying to help.

    Like some of the other posts showing metals the sun is similar and might work. I think I would try to distress it some to make it look like oxidized copper which would be kind of cool looking. With so many size options available it seems to fit the area better than some of the other smaller metals medallions.

    Big huge vases sound like they would be real nice for the mantel and I agree the area needs something large BUT the mantel is only like 5" or 6" wide. It wouldn't allow a really bulky item....tall yes, but not bulky.

    I do still like the idea of the shutters (or gable vents) the best for some reason and did a quick google. I found this website which show some awesome old ones.....

    antique shutters

    DH and I were talking and if we can get the time this weekend we might do a little antique shopping!!!

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I love that rooster!!

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Has anyone mentioned covering the whole wall with a fabric such a burlap? I know that sounds a bit weird, but it's an open weave and rustic like the fireplace. You'd have to vacuum now and then to keep it dust free, but once the grate was painted to match the current wall color and covered with burlap, I bet you'd be hard pressed notice it. Then you could hang whatever art you wanted as long as it didn't cover that area of the grate.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I saw these screens in a Washington Post feature on an auction house and thought they would look fabulous with your windows.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Looking for a Deal? Try Window Shopping.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Absolutely move it. What an idiot builder. I have never seen anything like that. Somebody talked stupid to you. You never should have signed off with the builder. How will you sell the house with that located there? Sorry to rant but somebody goofed big time on an otherwise beautiful home.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    bodica, Please check out my post above detailing how to create a clickable link, or use the Optional Link URL box at the bottom of the page. Thanks.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I like Budge1's idea! Try it, it'd be easy to paint then easy to buy some returnable items or have someone photoshop them into your new picture.

    I think you should please paint and then start another thread!!

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I'm still thinking about your wall, may I ask what you have found to work with to conceal the vent? Your home is so lovely, hope you have a solution you love.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hello Kats,

    This is my first time here as I just joined and haven't even put up anything about myself as of yet, but I will! lol I've just been reading and got to your post here and have to say you have an equisite home!!!!Without a doubt that vent needs to be moved that is for sure.....Of all places! Above a fireplace? The fireplace is a focal point of your living room and something special will be up there once you decide and to have to hide that grill with something just to hide that grill? Not acceptable in my book! That vent could be moved....And like everyone said would he put that in his home? I can't believe that the builder of your home would accept his a/c guy (most likely a subcontractor)to allow him to place that vent there...There is no excuse....I wish you luck...I hope you will come back and post what happens as I'll be looking for what happened!

    Again, your home is quite beautiful!


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thank you all for the ideas. You guys are so great and have given me a direction.

    Bodica thank you too for the compliment. I really do like the idea of the shutters or ornate gable vents (actually a very good idea). I am kind of thinking of them as one in the same. I think either one is something that I would enjoy having up there and am kind of jazzed now that I have a flicker in my mind of what I want to look for. Shutters or gable vents sound unique and I think different enough that I won't see them elsewhere. I showed DH the Photo Shop brugloverz9 did for us and that was so helpful (thank you again!). Usually I'm ok visualizing things (except with this vent!) but DH has a real hard time visualizing anything. Most of the time I try to explain something but he can't "picture" my train of thoughts......(he says my hard-drive skips!!!).... Anyway, after seeing the PS he agreed that the shutters or vents would look great there.

    We went to Eastern Arizona this past week to see a friend's new home, (we live in SoCal). We hit antique stores going and coming with eagle eyes for shutter/ vent type antiques but didn't find anything. I think I will do as whenicit recommended and at least paint it for now then hit the antique malls in our area (or maybe Ebay) until I can find authentic, crusty, fun, ancient, looking shutters or gable vents.

    As soon as I find something I will post pictures.

    P.S. msrose I'm still working on trying to get the actual name of our paint color for you. I re-read my answer in an earlier post on this thread and said it was WM (duh...not sure where that came from!) The paint is Benjamin Moore. Sorry.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I'm please to hear at least you sound more hopeful and at peace about this problem. Bet something fabulous will be found when least expected! Best of luck to you and ya know, if I visited your home, I would be enjoying your home and family and not really notice the odd vent so much.....but since we are very focused on 'it' will find many fun and unexpected things to change the look with your mood, with Robbie's approval, of course! Best wishes to you! It has been a fun challenge to ponder..... bodica

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I am wondering if the WM was a short cut for Wilmington Tan by Ben. Moore. I have that color in my kitchen and it sure looks like your walls.

  • 8 years ago

    Hi Kats,

    How did you finally resolve your ventilation duct situation? I came across this thread when researching solutions for my own vent challenge. Your story resonated with me because of your committment to your contractor; so good to hear that. Anyway, just figured after all these years you might have found something that is just right for that spot an it would be fun to see it!


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