How much does a good quality sofa cost?
13 years ago
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- 13 years ago
- 13 years ago
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Comments (9)My husband works for Sam's Club, and they do not take those check/coupons. My DS is on Isomil Similac and we have found the best deals at Walmart. For some reason, the Walmart by our house offers the huge can (1lb,14oz) for 2 dollars cheaper than the walmart by my work. My DH says it is b/c the income level is lower where we live. Anyway, the formula is always $15.54 and w/ a $2 coupon, it's only $13.54. At Kmart or Fry's, the SAME can is $22.50. The difference is amazing! Andrea...See MoreHow much does interlock typically cost to install?
Comments (2)Live in MD. We're going through this right now. We've had varying prices from the pool companies - they've all come in about $12 for non-tumbled (straight edge) and $13 for tumbled. We actually called the stone place directly and talked to the guy. The pavers themselves cost $2.65 SF and $3.60 SF for tumbled. The matching coping is $1.80/piece and doesn't come tumbled (pool company to install). He said normally installers use CR-6 gravel at a 4" base, tamp and then sand overtop for an even surface. Now they have come out with #7 stone that is crushed smaller so no need for sand. He said for a 1000 SF patio we would need @ 17tons at $31/ton to = $527.00 (1SF is $51/ton). Basically we're looking at @ $4.15 (tumbled) SF plus the rental of the tamping machine. We are DIY'ers and figuring the pool company has to grade anyway and it's really not rocket science, we would much rather have the look of pavers...and save a TON of money - hence being able to do our boulder waterfall. We are going to have our yard guy help us - who did our front path - for a minimal cost. I've babbled enough already but...I also got a 10% discount for mentioning their web ad and free delivery. If you live in the area I'd be happy to give you the company names....See MoreHow much does a bathroom renovation cost?
Comments (33)But then you made it clear you arent in the trades your an accountant gone weekender and maybe youre good at it who knows Well I grew up in construction had both a plumbing and electricians license....So yeah I am pretty damned good at it. but we know thats rare as evidenced here by all the travesties in reno's on these forums Ninety five percent of the posts on these forums are from trades taking advantage of people. Do you even look at the posts? How many times have we seen tile installed terribly? So I am sorry if these particular forums are evidence of anything it is the incompetent nature of the trades. Now I am not saying that this the case, people post here when they have a problem, but I am saying it sure as hell isn't evidence to the contrary. Jumping to defraud folks now Huh? how about selling a home without permitted bathrooms.....defrauding... This is a deflection. I am sure my mom said something about two rights don't make a wrong. Furthermore, can you please show me anywhere I said that bathrooms shouldn't be permitted? I have never made that claim, in fact, I said permitting was pretty easy. Furthermore, there is nothing and I mean absolutely nothing fraudulent about selling a home with unpermitted work done. NOTHING. Now it is fraud if the homeowner doesn't reveal that, but in no way are those things equal. But I may be charging wages for the hours of time I spend driving to procure building materials for you at which I pay taxes at the point of sale and I may get my standard 10% markup on that or I may add it to the job if you choose to purchase and procure all that I have no idea what you are even trying to say here, but I will note that you are prohibited from benefiting from a 10% markup in either a time and materials or a cost plus contract. So are you saying that you are working in a time and materials contract (assumed because you are charging for driving around) and not passing trade discounts on to your customers? Heck I could spend an hour explaining SPF2 KDHT lumber vs KDAT and then have you call me from the lumber yard or show up with abunch of warped lumber. Again, this really has nothing to do with a bathroom remodel. Did I advise people to go buy treated lumber? We are talking fixtures and tile. But its also the first place people come to complain when it goes horribly wrong. See above... Someday when an isurance claim gets declined.. Homeowners insurance can't deny claims for DIY work unless the work was done negligently (which it wouldn't be unless you were intentionally trying to damage your home). Furthermore, where am I advocating for a DIY? I didn't. I advocated for consumers purchasing their fixtures and tile smartly. You are all in a bunch about something I never said. ETA: i know you are a good one at arguing with pros here over the years. No I am not. I am a good one at arguing that people think about the marginal costs of projects. There are times and budgets when pros are necessary and I absolutely defend pros when they are needed or when they are right. Again, I am not arguing for a DIY project nor did I ever. I am advocating making smart consumer buying choices. There is no legitimate reason that a time and materials contractor needs to be the one to purchase fixtures. Consumers should ensure they are buying the right product and there can be a few problems if the contractor isn't given model numbers and relevant information in advance, however, done properly there are significant savings with no cost to contractor....See MoreNeed help finding a good quality modern/transitional extra long sofa
Comments (18)I’ve had custom furniture made before, and I agree that it’s not necessarily more expensive, and it’s a great option. I think it’s a much riskier undertaking with a sofa however. Subtle variations can make a huge difference in both looks and comfort. I think it’s fine if you see a sofa you can try out and examine and then just make it a bit longer or whatever. But cobbling together a custom sofa from, say pictures, is risky in my opinion....See MoreRelated Professionals
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