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Please vote on sofa color -- demin or natural canvas/twill

16 years ago

I'm considering a PB sofa to replace my POS denim sofa from Macy's, which has not held up well (sagging after 4 years). Which would look better and which is easier to maintain? My DS is/may never outgrow the messy stage (14 years old). I regard denim as a neutral, and I like blue, but I'm open to the idea of a light colored neutral.

I'd especially like to hear from those who've owned light sofas for some time: how well have they held up? I do like being able to toss the slipcovers in the laundry.

Here's a pic that shows existing colors, albeit badly: the paint is a light blue-gray, the TV stand is off-white, and the floor color is "amaretto" (nice warm medium-dark) maple. I'm still hunting for a perfect rug.

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