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fixing base cabinet lazy susan that drops down

In our kitchen, one inside corner of the base cabinets has a lazy-susan type fixture. It is the kind with a fixed right-angle type door (not the hinged kind) where 2 3/4 circle shelves are attached with screws. The assembly turns on a pole in the middle; to turn it you just neeed to push on one of the outer doors.

For some reason the whole assembly is dropping gradually to the point where the doors, that should be outside, are stuck inside the frame. That means it can't be closed.

Several months ago we tried removing the shelves to see how we could adjust the central post, but couldn't find anything we could change. We ended up attaching the outside doors higher up to compensate, so they could swing free of the frame again. But now it's dropped down again and the doors are stuck behind the frame again.

Anyone know how to fix this?

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