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Calling all Fantasy Brown Owners!

10 years ago

Like everyone else out there it seems, I had been searching for a light grey or whitish granite with the look of a marble or quartzite. Nothing had been making my heart sing. I found a gorgeous slab of Fantasy Brown that is a bit different than what I was originally going for, but is gorgeous nonetheless. If I select it I will pair it with white cabinets and silver crackle tile. This particular slab comes in an antique finish -- the sheen is closer to eggshell than gloss, and the texture is not as aggressive as the leathered finishes that I felt in the stone yard. The yard had it labeled as a granite, but I have seen it listed as both a quartzite and marble on the web.

The yard didn't have any samples of it when I visited, so I will be contacting the fabricator to see if I can get some to test. So for the fantasy brown owners out there -- how is it holding up? Is the etching horrible? Scratching? Chips? Dents? I am reasonably careful in the kitchen, but I cook regularly and have kids, so I need to be realistic. I am hoping that the slight color and texture variations in this stone would hide more abuse than something like a white marble or superwhite.

This post was edited by cstr on Sun, May 4, 14 at 9:10

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