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Grammys BUFFET is in the foyer.... :)

16 years ago

Here it is. I moved it down and have it centered with the closet door. Opinions please. I thought it could work alright. I know there's other things that would work out there better but this is my grandmas and I want to keep it. I was going to buy two tall lamps for either side. A mirror would probably help make the space look bigger as well?

**stuck these on here just to try and give a visual of what two lamps would look like. they should probably be a little taller.


I would probably keep this corner straight from the entrance empty due to the size of the buffet. . .



trying to show how much room is around it.



Found this beveled mirror the other week. $65.00 .

the buffet is 50" long. this mirror with frame is 47" long. height is 25". frame is 5 1/2" wide. and actual mirror is 38" long would this work or be too squatty looking? I will probably hang one other thing on the opposite wall.


Comments (78)

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    While I love johntemp's lamp, for your space and location I prefer the simplier lines of the lamp in Alex's pic. I really think if you use that as an inspiration pic you cannot go wrong. For the rug, I'd just put one in front of the door. Perhaps a half circle one to mix it up a bit. Just go to Kohls, Linen's 'n Things, Lowe's, etc. etc. and buy whatever looks interesting, keep the receipts, and find one you like. Check Home Decorators for some pictures if there is one in the area.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Ok, I just had to post this picture. I don't recall whose LR this is, but I had saved off this picture as an inspiration when I was just starting my deocrating. I used it to show my DH that "mismatched" furniture really can work. Isn't that a dresser in the corner of the LR?


    I've seen pics of dressers in the entryway also, but unfortunately didn't save them off.

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    Comments (1)
    It's hard to get a really good visual without pics, but I love unusual unique pieces in foyers, so this would be a great place to find something really standout. Can you place something there that you have already to get an idea of what size you need? or tape it off with some blue tape to visually see how much space the piece you're looking at would take up. It's just hard to tell you what style or size might work without seeing pics. Can you post one?? There's really so many ways to go on a foyer piece. I have a painted piece in my foyer (not that large) and it sits up off the floor on legs. Lots of options out there, so depends on how much storage space you want or what styles you like too.
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    Mirror above buffet in foyer............


    Comments (21)
    Actually 27's tall would be fine as a table lamp too! My thinking for changing the shades to black and not cream or white is that when you do paint the walls a black shade more than likely would not conflict/compete with a new wall color - a black opaque shade is more neutral. Plus opaque shades would be more sublte esp if you put the lamp on a tabletop dimmer to set the mood. Isn't the dark area in you mirror black? That's why I think the black in the lamp would compliment it. Here's what I was thinking w/black shades and achieving something like this look. Here's another direction/style you could go in for a lamp used singly or in pairs: Here's a lamp site w/some unique lamps Lampstore.com Jim
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    Comments (108)
    Hollybar, your room is to-die-for gorgeous! What colors did you use? Generals1992, how wonderful you get to help your parents and design their home with all their gorgeous antiques and paintings! I personally would do recessed lights along the hallway. to brighten it up a bit. I'm a big fan of gold (not the nickel) for the sconces, but glad to hear they like it. I like mixed metals (like gold with silver frames, etc., but it seems too modern for the space. What kind of chairs are you doing? Glad you are keeping the Persians. I'm envisioning velvet chairs..... Great job on the wall of photos, perfect! (I think the most fun part is that they went away for 3 days and you got to fix it up and reveal it to them. So special!). Be sure to post pics of the bathroom you are referring to and the room leading to it. Definitely need a gorgeous wallpaper in the powder room and marble and gorgeous faucets....
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  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    val - that does look like a dresser! yay for dressers in the improper location!!

    so the lamp be on the should also be on the same shorter scale? i think my buffet looks a little longer than the inspiration pic...

    thanks to everyone for the thoughts and input!!

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I was able to slide the buffet down more. it's almost center. doesn't interfere with the door. I actually think it helps the space a little. i



    was just messing around with different stuff on top. Is that lamp a good height? that one wouldn't stay there.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I like the buffet scooted down a little as you have it now. It doesn't look as cramped with some room to the left of it. I would place the lamp to the left and perhaps a taller lamp. I think with the size of the buffet you need a slightly bigger lamp. Borrow one from another room to see how it works before commiting to purchasing one. Is it possible to take a closer picture? I know there is not a lot of room. Just so we can get a better feel of the scale. Keep workin' it girl! It's coming along!

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Oh, that is looking better. I agree with kmcg regarding the improved location and putting the lamp on the left side and pics on the right side. Also that the lamp needs to be bigger/taller--offhand, I guess somewhere between 30-34"H. Nothing too bedroomy/frilly since we want to deemphasize the bedroom look. :) Perhaps something like what I've linked below. If you peruse the Lamps Plus website when looking at lamps, select the View in Room option and some show them on an entry table which can give you some ideas about how it'd look on a table/decor, etc.

    One comment if you ever change your flooring, it would look really nice to have the same flooring run all the way from the entry through where the chair is to the entry of your LR. It would really open it up visually.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Lamp

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    What a great inspiration picture Chijim posted! I have to agree with him about scale. I think it is a great picture to follow.

    That mirror looks pretty easy to copy. Your foyer can definitely handle the scale. As a matter of fact, it needs it. The lamp styles should be easy to fine.

    Do you like it?

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    *sorry if the pics are huge. i do resize all of them before i post but sometimes they look the same?

    kmcg - i'll try moving the lamp. wasn't sure what side it should be on. I'll try sticking a taller lamp there and see. closer pic. hmmm :)

    here's a closer one of the actual piece but i don't really have one of the whole wall. this was taken before it was cleaned up. it's almost impossible to get a good pic since it's so narrow. dimensions are 50" long, 20" deep in the middle, 18" on the sides height is.. ahh i forget. i'll check later.

    val - i do like the fact that lamps plus had the view in scene opt. I like the lamp you posted but I really love the style lamp of johnatemps. or what about something like this?

    i know plain is sometimes better but i typically don't care for it.

    The flooring - i know!!! There's a lot of things I didn't think about when building this house. That section said foyer so i picked out foyer flooring and figured it was easiest to run the same carpet through LR and back the hall. I have already noticed this. Many years from now I will remember to do that. Also I tried to go with a neutral carpet color but it's got some kind of undertone thing going on because every time i try to pair gold paint with it it looks like crap. makes the carpet look dirty. this is another thread.
    I am trying to take into consideration the colors in that new chair. Kind of taupey. Should I try and pick a rug with similar colors? or won't it matter as much because they're not smack up against each other??

    jerseygirl - I'm going to still keep my eyes open for a mirror. I think i may have just as hard of a time trying to pick artwork. I tend to lean towards flowery stuff and obviously i don't know how to make the stuff flow. Carpet, artwork, paint etc.... I like the buffet and think i'll like it in the foyer once I get the accessories right.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Well, my personal take it to go for something traditional and classic; but OTOH, johnatemp's lamp does compliment your new chair very nicely which gives it more of a Victorian look, I'm guessing.... You could try for a single Victorian style lampshade. If you are going to go the route of multiple shades then I'd prefer one like johnatemps that is staggered as the one you posted looks too squatty to mine. Your buffet is already a bit on the squatty side for that size foyer so you want to pull the eye up to blanace out the scale. Hope this makes sense.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Victorian Lamp?

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I like the buffet pushed down - now it doesn't look like it's trying to escape. LOL

    This is a grander foyer than yours, but I wanted to show you how the runner was used. Also notice the scale of the accessories.


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago


    Just a little advice. Place it and keep looking at it. Don't rush it.
    Your ceilings have nice height. Use it to your advantage. Val is correct about pulling your eye up to balance. Not liking the Victorian lamp JMHO. I think you need you need a buffet lamp.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    val - i do like the victorian lamp. Guess i first should take a taller lamp i already have and stick there to get an idea about the height. I like traditional but the ones that really catch my eye are in the $2-300 + range. DH wouldn't understand that. :) i'll have to search for something comparable.

    chijim - that foyer is nice. are you suggesting possibly use a runner in front? do they make them that short? or oval shaped rug?

    jerseygirl - you're right about not rushing it. i'll admit i usually do. I get excited about something and it bugs me until it looks done. I also find that about a month later I want to change it to something else!

    should i try and keep the rug colors similar to the chair? something with more green in it?
    i typicall lean towards the traditional type....





    found a really pretty rug earlier today that was small and you could get it in oval. didn't save it and now for the life of me i can't find it. grr

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I vote for a runner that that pick up the colors (that fresh green and pink or rose or burgandy) in the chair fabric. Maybe #1 or #3 as posed above.

    And yes -- a taller lamp might work well. Of course -- if you add a mirror or artworks -- you MIGHT choose to switch out the lamp again. Just depends on what you choose.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I have the same buffet...this is what I did with mine. That was 24yrs. ago. I think it looks great where you have it. A great place to drop keys or mail and a nice memory.

    08.photobucket.com/albums/n13/cran_01/?action=view&current=8f68770c.jpg"; target="_blank">

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    cran - neat idea! did your DH or someone local do that for you? Looks great!

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    sheesharee, we did the bathroom over years ago and the fellow who did the work put it in for us..he thought I was crazy (not the first one,lol) The three top drawers in the middle are just fronts that come off to get to the plumbing, everything else is storage space. It works for us.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago


    My vote is for a runner. Once the runner is chosen you can move on from there with a wall color. Build your layers slowly. Be specific with your shopping.

    The reason you want to change things out after a month is because you don't love the way it looks and/or it doesn't please your eye.

    I like #1 the best. Can you bring it home to see what it looks like down? Do they have the pattern in a runner?
    There are so many posts on this not sure if you have measured the length of your foyer.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    this was why i was curious about the runner. my foyer length is 8' 5 1/2" width is 5' x 9". most runners i thought were longer than that.

    i saw all those online. i think those were from rugsusa and overstock. there's no place where i live with nice looking rugs.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    cran: That is identical to my buffet, which is nearly identical to sheesharee's with the exception that my hardware is like yours. I love it--esp. as bow front vanities are very in right now.

    sheesharee: My hesitation with a runner is it won't line up with the door due to the placement of the buffet. I would think it would look odd to enter the door and not see the runner centered in front of it. That is why I suggested just a simple rug in front of your entryway to wipe your feet on when you come in the door. That is what I am planning for mine, though I want to finalize my rugs for LR/DR first since they all need to coordinate. Have you looked at CL for rugs yet? The Victorian lamp I posted was more to show the shade--it's much to short. Perhaps you should choose the lamp at the same time as the artwork. I like either 2 smaller vertical or a single vertical artwork. Save all receipts and make sure it all works together in case you need to return. Do you have a Home Decorators and/or Tuesday Morning in your area? They have a lot of stuff there at reasonable prices. I also like Kohls. If there is a Lamps Plus store in your area? They also have a lot of decor stuff in addition to the lamps--be sure to check for coupons online to bring in.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Why don't you hit some flea markets or ebay for a vintage lamp? It will be much cheaper than the $300 you're looking at. I also think a rug by the front door is your best bet (semi-circle). I had a similar problem that I couldn't line up my desk with the front door so I got a large oval rug. You can't wipe your feet on it because it's not exactly in front of the door but it looks great.
    I would vote for large oval or semi-circle for you.
    Slow down a little and have fun with it!
    Do you have a Kirkland's Home? They have great inexpensive paintings.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Have you asked johnatemp about her lamp? It almost looks like it is a candlebra with shades put on it. It'd be interesting to find out. Perhaps send her an email or start a new thread about her lamp. I'm sure she'd be flattered that you admire her lamp.

    I did check on eBay a bit and found this one below. Perhaps you could add shades to it?

    Here is a link that might be useful: Candlebra Lamp?

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    hi, your buffet is beautiful. I love it. If you still looking for lamps and mirror or some paint on the wall, maybe you can visit this web for reference :
    they also have a shop in Cumming, GA.
    Hope you'll find the suitable lamps for your nice buffet...

    Here is a link that might be useful: www.mycalypsohome.com

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Sheesharee - I would love to know the dimensions of your foyer. I've been trying to figure out what to do with ours...which is somewhat similar to yours, though I think not as deep. I'm loving all the suggestions. I also think the buffet looks much better more centered on your foyer wall. Now, accessorize away!


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I noticed that meli_84 just signed up with Gardenweb today-- makes me wonder if she is promoting her own website which members here do not appreciate... Sheesharee, I think you can look elsewhere for lamps and accessories.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago


    Have you thought about going to a flooring store and having them cut and bind a rug that would fit your foyer?
    It could be a remnant which could save you $$. Everything does not have to have a print pattern on it. It can have tone on tone pattern instead of print pattern.

    It's what I am doing for my LR and small foyer. We picked a tone on tone in a zebra pattern. It's very cool. If you can find a remnant, it's even better. As a matter of fact, I can see the same pattern for your foyer for some interest. Sometimes you need to thing a little out of the box from what you would normally think.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    stuck a different lamp up for idea of size. obviously this ones doesn't match. this lamp is 31" high. Buffet is 34 1/2" high.
    Does this skinny of a lamp work? What about the height?

    if i bought two pics and did them vertical would they need to be larger than this?

    i stood half in the closet to get a front pic. hoping this gives a better idea of the scale.


    val - I just posted those rug pics for ideas about color and pattern I should use. I didn't think a runner would work here I just wasn't sure what chijim meant. that pic may have been for me to get a better idea of scale and balance, layering. I think a half circle rug would look nice or oval but where can I find patterns of a half rug? I guess I could consider something solid. Every half circle rug I find seems to have chickens or fruit on them. Unfortunately there isn't a home goods or tuesday morning anywhere near me. never even hear of them until I found this forum. We do have a kohls not real close but I could make a trip sometime. No lamps plus either. :(

    I did ask johnatemp about her lamp in one of her treads she had going recently. Said she bought it from someone she knew that sold a lot of that stuff. Said she thought he also dealt with kirklands. another reason to go! I noticed she only has one sitting where she used to have two. Wonder if she'd consider selling me her other one.. :)

    mlraff - oh I get in trouble at flea markets. :) I do like to go though. so does DH. I'll just have to control myself! Our kirklands that isn't real close but I should make a trip sometime soon. I've been looking on CL and ebay too.

    lucy - my foyer dimensions are...length is 8' 5 1/2" width is 5' x 9". let me know what you come up with in yours!

    jerseygirl - i didn't even realize you could do that in a flooring store. Do you have a pic of your foyer?

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    A few quick comments..

    First, I'd find artwork before you go too much further with looking for a lamp. It will influence size, style and color. Plus, I think you are trying to balance the buffet with a lamp when it is easier and more appropriate to balance it with artwork. I know you have been looking at mirrors but I think they are overdone-- and your home is crying out for artwork.

    There is a Tuesday Morning in Camp Hill/Hampden Twp on the Carlisle Pike. I think there is another one near the east mall too (though I could be wrong about that). I know that isnt close to your home but maybe it isn't too far from work? If you go to the one in Camp Hill, then it is just a hop to TJ Maxx and Marshalls. I have had luck finding small rugs at both .. of course it is hit or miss but definitely worth a look.

    If you go after work, you can hop right on 81 to get you back to your route home. :)

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    When you look at your foyer dead-on, a runner down the center wouldn't look off at all.
    Also, if you don't want to spend a $$ on a runner now, check out the runners on rolls sold by the foot at Home Depot/Lowe's. Usually they're very durable, come in pattern or solids, tho no fancy edge finishing, but the price is easy on the budget.

    I think the last lamp you posted is still a litle too DR buffet looking for your foyer - shorter and w/a trad style bigger base would work better.

    Another thing - if you get a big mirror/art to hang, you could forego a lamp on the buffet and use plug-in sconces on the wall on either side of art/mirror.

    You're repurposing a piece of furniture so don't do the expected look.


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    funky - there's a tuesday morning!?? ha can you tell i do most of my shopping selinsgrove. I seriously never heard of it. Usually when i shop down here it's done after work so it's not as bad. I'm used to driving at least 20 mins to get anywhere. Good point about the artwork.

    I see a trip coming possibly next week...

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    S, the piece will look wonderful in there once it is accessorized. The pic of the grand foyer has a large arrangement of it, which you could duplicate. Also, how about either an umbrella stand to the door side or tall potted plant? I think the objections to the piece are because it is now a big dark spot in an unfinished space. Once it is furnished, your eye will go up to the mirror/picture, down to the plant/umbrella stand and over to the other accessories. Don't worry about making this work - it will very pretty! I had an antique dresser in the same position in my previous house and it looked wonderful once I had it properly decked out!

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I think you need to go larger with the pictures so that they are about 4" less than half the length of the buffet. Perhaps you can play around with taping up some newspaper to determine a good scale before you make your shopping trip. This will help determine the scale for the lamp. In the pic Alex posted notice that the stacked photos are taller than the lamp (about 3/4 of the height). Some attractive proportions work in either 4ths or 3rds (halves seems to be less attractive). I've seen nice semi-circular rugs at Kohls, Linen's 'n Things that do not scream kitchen. If you do opt for a runner just don't have it extend too close to the door so that the lack of centering is not as aparant. Right now your door is painted the same as the wall color, but once you put color on the walls it will become more visable. I'd make your decision though also not just on the decor aspect, but what you feel that you NEED--with rain or snow or little kids (future) coming in with muddy shoes, a door rug can be a practical choice and colors that can hold up or disguise dirt and/or washable should also be considered--or plan to change out after about a year which is OK too (what I've been doing with my kitchen rugs). Perhaps you might want to order online sice we are not talking a really large sized rug here. I like the idea of the umbrella stand similar to Alex's pic on side by door, taken together with buffet this should get you centered. If you haven't already printed this pic out plus the second one of Jim's, do so to bring along on your shopping trip, plus a tape measure as they have some really good ideas on them--just need to adjust sizing for your space.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Here's a few more pics for inspiration.

    Look at how they used a collection of mirrors in this pic.

    A couple more for accessory ideas,

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    chijim - You rock! Very nice examples of how to accessorize!

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    For more inspiration, don't forget to check out the Foyer and Hallway Decor thread over in the Gallery. Jim, you may want to post your pics over there as well.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Foyer and Hallway Decor

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago


    I did pick the rug out but have not purchased it yet. I will be able to get a runner out of the piece of rug I require since it comes in 12' cuts. I am working with a designer and we are just putting fabrics, rug, wall color together at this point. The room is going to be deco/retro/hollywood.

    I went the way of the broadloom cut for an area rug because I seem to have expensive taste and this is not my forever house (wanted to do my LR for less $$ than I spent on the FR). I am doing some repurposing myself in this next phase of furnishings. Love to repurpose and so does the designer I use. My sofa is from CC and is 7 yrs old, we are going to jive it up a little.

    Chijim is right on with everything he is showing you. I may even consider the mirror idea for my DR. It's very interesting. Interest is an important aspect.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    soon going to start a new post....

    you guys really think an umbrella stand won't make it look extra cramped? on the buffet side closest to the door?

    i'm not sure why i'm having such a hard time visualizing this. i think one of the first suggestions was to go with alex's inspiration pic. two pictures on the one side, stacked. .... i just can't picture it right. I'm having a hard enought time finding a picture i'll want to look at everyday. :) then i question how much it should match?

    Usually when i physically go shopping on a mission, i don't find whatever i'm lookingn for. Not until a couple of returns anyhow. DH goes about batty when i do that. :) i seem to have better luck finding things i like online but then shipping them back usually isn't an option.

    chijim - thank you for posting more pics!! those rooms are all pretty!

    some of you may gag but i seem to draw near to this type of artwork... anyone finds anything or has anymore ideas let me know.









    you get the idea...

    i hope to go shopping sometime next week.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    What you should not do is make a hasty purchase. A lot of people will just buy something to fill the space. They don't love it, they'll soon want to get rid of it for something new, and it ends up a waste of money.

    I know that you want it finished, but that never really happens. People who like to decorate will continue to move things around long after the "final" touch. I suggest setting up a nice tableau with what you already have and love. As time goes on you will come across that perfect lamp, the perfect art, etc. Your arrangements will continue to change as you add to your collection. Take your time and enjoy the process because there isn't a finish line.

    I say let's go shopping in your house, and pick out what best suits the buffet for now. Then as you come across items you would like to use, you can post for opinions or for applause at the great deal you found :)

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    alex you made that sound super easy! i'll admit i hate that it looks so bare.

    i honestly don't think i have anything in my house right now that will go there. i have some odds and ends thing for on top but everything i sat there looked dumb to me. And the wall pictures i already own i don't "love" (some were gifts) and they don't match.

    Soooo ... i'll try and keep looking at it for awhile. don't know that anything will come to me! i'm a memeber of the club that lacks in the decorating dept.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Who said the art needs to match? :) Do you have complimentary pieces...same subject, type of frame, similar colors? What about photographs? You don't need to do 2 pieces, one large one or 3 smaller will work.
    If you're interested, you can line up all your options and I bet that several people will offer lovely ideas.

    You know what one of the best accessories is? A BIG bouquet of flowers. I get mine for half price at our local grocery store because they've been there a little too long and I get about a week out of them. I'll pick up a bunch of the cheapies and throw them together for a mixed arrangement. It's such a cheery sight when you come home from work!

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    sheesharee - Take some field trips to the best interior design/antique shops/Show Houses in town/area not w/the intention of buying but to "train" your eye and give you inspiration about how things are put together and give you confidence.
    Also, Go to the library and take out some interior decorating books, peruse/buy magazines to hone your personal style.

    You may also find someone in these shops to help you too w/a game plan.

    It will only add to your confusion for you to go to a place like Home Goods w/so many things to choose from until you know which direction you want to go and have the confidence to do so.
    BTW - You have a relatively large foyer, it can accomodate an umbrella holder by the door - remember it's that layering that makes and transforms a space.

    PS - I agree, add a vase of flowers on the buffet to fill the space until you're ready so it won't look so empty.


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Here's some more inspiration - they're all overdone because they're store displays, but look more closely at the composition, accessory combos/arrangements and colors used for ideas.


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I agree with Alex that decorating is an evolutionary process that you never really finish; at the same time I can relate to the desire to not have your house look like you are still unpacking one year after you've move in. I actually was not able to reuse much of my previous decor (which I had boxed up prior to an extensive home remodel). Many of my items were much too small--or not really my style, just something that had been given to us. I've gone through the boxes 2-3 times and each time I just pack them back up. In particular I did not have any good artwork for the walls--esp. of the size/scale that I needed. For yours if you cannot find a pair of similar prints to stack vertically, then alternativly you could do a single vertical print. I think the last one would look hince with your chair. The second one has too much orange in it. If you want to do a set of prints, then I would suggest some vintage botanicals which show best in groups. You can buy on eBay and frame yourself. I've done several that way.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    alex - ohh no.. they're not complimentary pieces. I only have maybe 4 wall pictures. here's one of them...

    canvas painting -ignore the mirror - couldn't find a better pic


    I have another canvas beach painting. no palm tress just the ocean at night. has lots of dark blue and black colors. has a complimentary blue wood frame. was going to possibly use this in my master bedroom. the others were gifts that I don't care for.

    went shopping around the house last night. I have two of these arrangements... there's currently only one on top. It'll be coming down tonight because it's driving me nuts that it doesn't match the chair. they're actually nice looking person but these pics aren't doing them justice. I also should've taken 30 seconds to fix the before taking the pictures. They were up in the attic covered up.

    i like your ideas about the cheapies. I may try that for awhile.

    chijim - umbrella holder on the buffet side? or other side of the door? i thought it may looked too cramped. there's some neat holders out there so I'll check that out.
    I like the pictures and frames in those photos you posted. I have gone through the foyer pics in the gallery and picked out some I liked. I'll get a game plan together before I go shopping.

    val- you always have good advice! you all do! so glad I found this forum. ha no one else i know gets really excited about decorating or likes to talk about it.
    Out of those prints I posted I had considered using the first one in the LR behind the loveseat. Didn't put tons of thought into that or even measure but I really like that picture.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Have you considered replacing the frame on the white flower still life? You could definitely give it a richer look with a new frame-- Michaels often has good deals on premade frames.

    As for other artwork-- I have quite a mix in my home. Some from Kohls (buy when they have a 30% off sale), some from original artists and some of my own. Friends have picked up some prints at Target (I think they are overpriced for large run prints), TJ Maxx and Pier One. I have also purchased from overstock and art dot com.

    You seem to like the floral still lifes-- have you looked on Ebay?

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    sheesharee: For comparisions sake when taking pics of the accessories, it might help to include a pic of the chair fabric--or even put the pic or other item near the chair. I agree they should match. I don't think the colors of the still life work with the chair, though I do like Jim's idea to update the frame--if the colors work elsewhere in your home. Ideally the colors in your art should complement your fabrics, rugs, paint, etc. Since you are not yet confident of your decorating abilities, while I think it OK to check out eBay, don't spend too much $$--since you can't really return it. What do you think of vintage botanicals? See anything here you like?

    Here is a link that might be useful: Vintage floral botanicals

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I think you could work in an umbrella holder on either side of the door - so we're on the same page, here's a selection of styles I was thinking of:

    Umbrella Holders

    I think the 2 vases of flowers you purchased are giving your foyer a funeral home feel! - one larger arrangement would be better.

    Here's some examples of some that could work:

    Flower Arrangement Styles


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    val - i like a majority of those prints. don't care for the ones with orange and yellow. I'm leaning toward the burgundy/rose/pink colors which would match better in the foyer area anyhow. Are you thinking these on the side of the buffet or over near the new chair? Also like this one i found on art.com but can only see it in a bathroom or laundry room setting. i think mainly because it says moisturizing lotion!


    chijim - i like a lot of those stands. Think my favs on there are hand painted faux tortiose designed umbrella stand, the georgian, black tole, & hand decorated umbrella stand w/ monkeys (next to last one.) I'm assuming this should be closer to one of the last items i buy.

    definitely don't want the funeral home feel! oh my. like i said i'm taking it down! ha so you're thinking once i get some artwork maybe and arrangement on the smaller scale?

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago


    How about one of the original printts that you posted. They are the ones you do like and that your eye is drawn to. In particularly, the 4th one down from the top in an ornate frame that you can probably find on e-bay.

    No offense meant by this but it seems you keep relaying on everyone elses taste. Why not work with your own?

    My suggestion is to focus on one thing at a time and really love it. That's what makes a house a home besides the people who live in it (of course).

    PS. I like the new fabric you found for the kitchen. It would tie in nicely with the picture that is the 4th from the top in the foyer.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Shee, I'm late saying this, your little chair is gorgeous. It goes so well in that corner with your beautiful buffet.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    sheesharee: I think that jerseygirl has a point. You are doing very well picking individual items only it seems you may need some help pulling it all together (and that is the most challenging part). I'd go through the pics. posted above plus the gallery and find an inspiration photo for this space and try to work with that to incorporate the elements you like. Art is VERY subjective and you need to get what speaks to you. About the only mistakes you can make are ones of scale and color for which there are pretty well defined rules that can be learned.