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Found art work for my kitchen at Flea Market

11 years ago

ItâÂÂs been a year since my kitchen was finished, except for table, light/fan, and art work. I never expected those items to take this long, I hit a road block, life got in my way. I decided on counter height table (probably because I would have loved an island), this is first table I saw, had glass made to fit. The art work I found this weekend at the Flea Market, it's made from antique tin ceiling tiles, I fell in love with it. The light/fan is on order from Lowes, someone on GW showed me the picture, it doesn't look like a fan,it's off white excited to be finished, once electrician installs. TY GW!

This post was edited by ilene-84 on Sat, Apr 13, 13 at 10:22

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