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Canada's health care

14 years ago

I don't know about the rest of you Canadians out there, but I am sick and tired of The post about America's health care, and Americans dissing our health care.

There is universal health care in all developed countries and a few of the developing countries. Only the States does not have any form of universal health care.

I understand if Americans want to discuss the merits or nonmerits of your proposed plan, but leave Canada out of it. If you cannot argue the point without bringing down others with untrue accusations and erroneous facts then keep your opinions to yourself.

We Canadians are proud of our health care and we'd fight tooth and nail to keep it. There is a hew and cry every time talk comes around to privatizing some sections of it, because under the free trade agreement that would allow Americans in. There is no way we want your style of health care. That is not dissing it that's just the way Canadians feel.

Make your points but leave us out of it!!!
