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The joy of the ethnic supermarket

A lot of people in this forum are searching for ways to lower their grocery bills. My #1 tip for anyone who wants to save money -especially those who are trying to maintain a healthy diet on a budget- is to figure out where the immigrants shop and go there!

I am lucky to live near a large, Greek-owned supermarket that caters to multiple ethnic groups including Russians, Arabs, latinos, South and East Asians. The variety and quality of the produce is just fantastic - far superior to any of the chain grocery stores - and vastly less expensive. I can buy items that would be luxuries if purchased elsewhere - like brown cremeni mushrooms for 2.29/lb. and big bunches of dill, basil and mint for less than one of those little plastic boxes of herbs. The deli is great. In addition to regular cold cuts they have ethnic and imported stuff that's much better quality and cheap, too. There's a dazzling array of ethnic breads and the cheese is the cheapest I've found anywhere in the Chicago area. The place is paradise. (The only thing I don't buy there is meat because they sell cow brains, which I find too alarming in the age of mad cow. Too bad, because they have beautiful lamb!)

I've saved a lot of money shopping at Asian, Indian and Mexican grocery stores, too. Asian and Indian markets often have nice produce. I get my basmati rice in 10 lb. bags at the Indian place. Mexican groceries are great for cheese and coffee (Cafe Bustelo or Pilon when it goes on sale for 2.50 a brick). American name-brand processed foods aren't any cheaper at these places but you're better off without em' anyway!

And shopping at ethnic supermarkets is just so much fun...

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