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I wish I could retire now

22 years ago

I have 18 months until I can retire and I am so tired of working I want to retire now. I didn't plan my retirement very well and as a result, I will have to wait until I'm 65 to retire. Also, I am trying very hard to pay off my credit cards this year. When retirement was years off, I didn't think about it much and the time flew by. Now that it is within sight, 18 months, it seems like it will never get here or that something will happen that I won't make it to actually getting to retire. I am so tired of the rat race and the long drive back and forth to work in bumper to bumper traffic and now there is construction most of the way and it will be years before the construction is finished. Did or does anybody else feel that way? I guess one reason I feel like I will never actually make it is because my father planned for years for his retirement and bought all kinds of fishing equipment and things for his retirement but he was killed in a fall at work just 3 months before he was to retire. I have worked for soon to be 45 years and I am tired of it. Judith

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