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work related disability compensation question

12 years ago

Hi all, first time on this forum but been a member (birds, ponds, etc. 8 yrs) My Husband is 54 years old and has been working for the same company doing the same job for 28 years.It is a very physical job and quite frankly his body has worn out and he can no longer do his job (back pain). He has been to therapy & the pain clinic but our insurance does not cover much and our medical bills are HUGE! The company does not have a "desk job" for him. He has used up his FMLA time (they charged against him while he was on short term disability)and is nearly out of vacation time for the year. I am sure they will fire him soon for attendance. What kind of compensation is available for someone who has been a loyal employee for so long but is no longer able to do this kind of strenuous work? Please help with any suggestions, Thanks!

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