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Retirement Counselor

21 years ago

I set up an appointment and had a talk with a retirement counselor of my retirement fund today. It was very depressing to say the least. He kept saying that I may have to put off retirement until I can afford it and that he sees many, many people who think they are going to retire and then when they sit down and determine what their expenses will be and how much they will need, they have to keep on working. I absolutely don't want to have to do that. I have looked forward to retiring this year for the past 10 years and I am now very depressed at the thought that I might not be able to retire. His first question to me was to ask was I really going to quit work and retire or was this just a change of jobs. He said over and over that I would probably have to keep working. That is the Pits. He said a large number of the baby boomers that think they are going to retire at 62 will find out that they will have to work into their 70s. Oh how I wish I had planned on my retirement when I first started working over 45 years ago.

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