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Open concept--- it looks good but...

10 years ago

We love our new house that we built just over 2 years ago. It's open concept which fits our style of living. But, although I think it looks good, I don't think it looks great. Maybe I'm just tired of looking at it, but I think it's missing something. How do you fine tune your look so it looks a little more "with it, trendy, polished, etc"?

One thing that MUST change is the area rugs. We have two custom-made rugs (from our previous home) under the dining room table and in front of the 4-window sliding glass door. And those work great. I need suggestions on what to do for corresponding rugs under the living room arrangement and the kitchen table. I would LOVE a soft, cushioned textured (like a plush shag) for the living room area, but that won't work for the kitchen table. And the kitchen table needs to be 7-9' round while the living room needs to be 10x12 or larger.

And that 18' curtain rod is complements of this forum! It's actually painted electrical conduit, joined with dowels!

The first picture is coming in the front door and being greeted by Cami the Cat!

(I'll post more pictures and I apologize for the multiple postings to post the pictures. I'm too lazy to open an account at Photobucket, Shutterfly, etc)

This post was edited by Cook4 on Thu, Jun 5, 14 at 20:16

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