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October Kaleidoscope class - lesson 4, the grand finale!

17 years ago

LESSON 4 - Finishing the quilt top

We all have our favorite methods of adding borders and quilting so the "teaching" really ends at lesson 3.

I prefer to sew a narrow bumper strip around the hexigon panel for accent and then a wider border to take a feathered design. Quilting patterns will get lost on all this hexigon color and shape, so you might consider stitching in the ditch there.

Time to branch out!

There are also other options to consider for future projects. Your hexigons can be turned into a rectangular block by adding four half triangles to the corners (see figure 13).

Figure 13

Add a quarter inch to the edge for the seam allowance. I overcut and then trim to size. You can chain them into a nice table runner. And, if you look at the seams, you can invision all sorts of ways to create diamond patterns and other designs with this technique.

Now, using only FOUR repeats and a 90 degree triangle, you can turn the four matching triangles into a square block (see figures 14 & 15).

Figure 14

You canÂt turn the triangles different ways to pick the design but they still look nice with the pattern rotation.

By varying the size of the squares (okay, someone get out the slide rule here) you can make a nice design using small and large squares filling in with other fabric. Since it is a square, you can trim it down to any size that fits your need when you square it up.

Figure 15

I also saw these large squares trimmed into circles and appliqued onto a background for a wonderful effect.

So, that about does it for me. Feel free to pass along questions after this month is over.

IÂd love to see your color selections and finished tops. Share pictures with all of us, wonÂt you? You donÂt have to wait till the border is on and the quilting done  just show us your panel of colors for all of us to admire. ItÂs fun to see everyoneÂs choices. I'll start the thread for pictures.

Linda in California

Aka "Toolgranny" (itÂs a long story!)

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